HCS SB 102 (05/12/1995): Senate passes letting judges order interlock ignition devices for drunken drivers.
HB 256 (05/12/1995): Senate passes four-year terms for county commissioners.
CCS HB 232 (05/11/1995): Senate passage of final version of allowing courts to enforce abuse-protection orders from courts in other states.
CCS HB 174 (05/11/1995): Senate passage of the final version of the juvenile crime bill.
HS SS SB 279 (05/11/1995): Senate delays abortion veto override vote to after the 1995 session.
SS HCS HB 217 (05/10/1995): Senate 3rd Reading of tougher boating safety and noise-reduction requirements.
HCS SB 176 (05/10/1995): Senate rejects sending concealed weapons bill to conference to restore requirement for statewide voter approval. Lt. Gov. voted no, breaking tie.
SCS HB 84 (05/09/1995): Senate passage to make the mule the official state animal and square dance the official folk dance.
HS HCS HJR 20 (05/09/1995): Senate passage of tax-lid constitutional amendment requiring voter approval for large tax increases.
SS 1 SA 12 HS HJR 20 (05/09/1995): Senate rejects amendment to make voter approval for large tax increases retroactive to cover the 1993 education tax increase.
SA 2 HJR 20 (05/04/1995): Amendment to lower voter approval requirement for taxes raised in a year from $50 million to $35 million.
HS SS SB 279 (05/02/1995): Senate final passage of abortion counseling bill.
SS SB 222 (04/24/1995): S 3rd Read to prohibit corporal punishment in schools.
SS SB 279 (04/06/1995): Senate 3rd Reading passage of abortion-restriction bill.
SB 314 (04/04/1995): Senate defeat of putting sales tax increase for elderly programs on the statewide ballot.
SB 176 (03/15/1995): Senate 3rd reading passage of the concealed weapons bill.
SA 8 SB 279 (03/14/1995): Amendment to submit abortion-restriction bill to a statewide vote.
SA 23 SB 176 (03/07/1995): Put concealed weapons proposal on the April 1996 ballot.
SSA 4 SA 5 SB 176 (02\28\95): Add to the concealed weapons bill a $25,000 bond requirement for a concealed weapon permit.
SSA 1 SA 5 SB 176 (02/27/1995): Exempt St. Louis city from concealed weapons bill.
SCS SB 40 (02/16/1995): Senate approval of its juvenile crime bill.
SJR 4 (02/06/1995): Senate passage of special-county law constitutional amendment
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