The Missouri Highway Patrol will be ready to enforce the new speed limits...whatever they may be. Jeremy Brown has more from Jefferson City.
The Highway Patrol will be enforcing posted speed limits just like always, but when the speed limit changes there could be some confusion. Lt. Ron Beck of the highway patrol says the new signs should be in place if and when the speed goes up.
Beck also says that he is sure that the media blitz covering the possible speed limit increase will keep everyone up to date. From the State Capitol, I'm Jeremy Brown. Date:11/29/95
The speed limit isn't the only thing Missouri that could go up, your car insurance rates could as well. Jeremy Brown has more from Jefferson City ......
The next time you receive your car insurance bill there might be a little surprise waiting...a 15% increase. Spokesman for the Missouri Insurance Dept. Randy McConnell says that an increase is likely.
In Missouri insurance companies are free to raise rates as they see fit. And according to McConnell your insurance costs could soon go up. From the State Capitol, I'm Jeremy Brown.
There is some confusion about when the speed limit on Missouri's interstate highways will change. Gov. Mel Carnahan is requesting a deferment of the repeal on the national speed limit. Jeremy Brown has more from Jefferson City....
The governors office is being very cautious about the possibility of raising the speed limit. Spokesman Chris Sifford says the governors office is keeping an open mind.....
When the legislature convenes in January they will have 60 days to set a new speed limit before the federal repeal takes effect. From the State Capitol, I'm Jeremy Brown.Date:11/29/95
Even though you may be confused about the current speed limit that won't work as an excuse if your pulled over by the highway patrol. Jeremy Brown spoke with the governors office to find out why.....
The governor has requested a delay in the repeal of the national speed limit for Missouri. The legislature will have 60 days to set a new limit. Governor spokesman Chris Sifford says the highway patrol will be enforcing posted limits.....
Sifford says that people may be upset about the delay in the possible raising of the speed limit, but they want more time to look at the issue.
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