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State Worries While Feds Don't Work

November 11, 1995
By: Hide Kageyama
State Capital Bureau

With all the attention focused this week on shutdown federal offices, you not have realized -- but Missouri state government pretty kept working as if there was nothing unusual.

But a few state offices did feel the effects of the federal shutdown -- and others are getting worried.

Hide (HI-dee) Kageyama (KAG-e-yama) begins a package of reports on how Missouri state government is coping with the federal shutdown:

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The federal government's shutdown has NOT had much impact on Missouri government -- at least not yet.

But if the federal gridlock continues, Missouri officials warn state government will face a difficult situation.

Mark Ward is director of the state's budget division.

He says a long-term shutdown would hit hardest on state programs that rely on federal funds like Medicaid:

Actuality:Mark Ward
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Contents: State budget director says if the federal shutdown continues, it will hurt Missouri's Medicaid program.

While state officials are worried about the future with programs like Medicaid, the federal shutdown already has affected a few state programs including the Labor Department and the National Guard.