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Bills Passed by the 1995 Legislative Session


Bill           Status              Sponsor

HBs 1-13 GOVERNOR SIGNED Lumpe Operating budgets. SCS HCS HB 14 GOVERNOR SIGNED Lumpe Emergency appropriations. HBs 15-18 GOVERNOR SIGNED Lumpe Capitol improvements budgets. HB 32 GOVERNOR SIGNED Gratz Change state easement grant to Cole Junction Levee Distrct. SCS HB 35 GOVERNOR SIGNED Witt Implement SCOUS decision on Missouri-Nebraska boundary dispute involving McKissick Island. SCS HCS HB 63 GOVERNOR SIGNED Copeland Consumer protections in reverse mortgage loans. HB 79 GOVERNOR VETOED Champion Charity solicitors must disclose percent spent on charity. Require disclosure if solicitor is A paid employee. In vetoing the bill, the governor cited a provision that repealed a legal requirement that insurance policies cover suicide. HB 80 GOVERNOR SIGNED Backer Allow state workers leave for Red Cross disaster work. HB 81 GOVERNOR SIGNED Backer Ban sale of mercury batteries. Restrict battery disposal law to lead-acid batteries. SCS HB 84 GOVERNOR SIGNED McBride Make the Missouri mule the official animal of Missouri. SCS includes HB 98 to make the square dance the state's official American folk dance. HB 87 GOVERNOR SIGNED Hegeman Limit neighborhood improvement tax to real property. CCS HB 88 GOVERNOR SIGNED Hegeman Allow regional recreation districts with taxing power. If voters approve it. HB 97 GOVERNOR SIGNED Carter Change St. Louis City children's services fund board membership. To be same as community mental health board. HB 114 GOVERNOR SIGNED Montgomery Expand merit system preferance for military veterans. Not just those who served during war, but at any time. HB 118 GOVERNOR SIGNED Hosmer Lower pop. of town for suspension if not pay traffic fine. Now, big towns only can suspend license if fine not paid. HB 128 GOVERNOR SIGNED Carter Technical revision bill on St. Louis City court restoration. Changes "city of St. Louis" to "city not within a county." SCS HB 135 GOVERNOR SIGNED Backer Legal confidentiality for deaf transmission recordings. HB 144 GOVERNOR SIGNED Leake Let sell or give part of Mark Twain State Park. To Southfork Farm, Inc. SS HB 153 GOVERNOR SIGNED Auer Extend St. Louis area Bi-State bus tax to December 1997. It expires December 1995. HB 155 GOVERNOR SIGNED Gratz Restrict driving instruction permit to high school programs. HB 160 GOVERNOR SIGNED Kreider Crime to secretly photo person in the nude in private areas. Stems from mid-Missouri tanning salon incident. SCS HB 174 GOVERNOR SIGNED Smith Remove age limit for adult trial of kid for major crimes. Automatic adult certification hearing for violent crime. HB 178 GOVERNOR SIGNED Stoll State registry of people who have offered organ donations. HB 189 GOVERNOR SIGNED Gaw Raise maximum small courts claim from $1,500 to $3,000. HS HB 194 GOVERNOR SIGNED Shear Allow legislature to appropriate to the Humanities Council. SCS HB 211 GOVERNOR SIGNED Lumpe Expand definition of lower-assessed residential property to cover all apartments and golf courses. HB 212 GOVERNOR SIGNED Days Let Health Dept. have osteoporosis prevention program. SS HCS HB 217 GOVERNOR SIGNED Franklin Several boating safety provisions. Night time speed limit of 30 mph. Ban supervised children under 12 to run boat. CCS HB 232 GOVERNOR SIGNED Canuteson Expand abuse protection orders by courts. State to enforce orders from courts outside Missouri. HB 239 GOVERNOR SIGNED Wiggins Let Linn County have 2nd courthouse outside county seat. If voters approve the idea. HB 251 GOVERNOR SIGNED Rizzo Exempt airlines & railroads from underground tank fees. Other changes. HB 256 GOVERNOR SIGNED Koller County commissioners to be elected to four-year terms. Rather than two-year terms. SCS HS HB 260 GOVERNOR SIGNED O'Toole Bunch of changes in St. Louis city police retirement. Allow deferred compensation for some. CCS HB 273 GOVERNOR SIGNED Klumb Easement grant of Mental Health land to city of Nevada. CCS HB 274 GOVERNOR SIGNED Witt Several changes in county budgeting procedures. Allow budget to be changed in mid-year. More. SCS HCS HB 300 GOVERNOR SIGNED Green Several changes in Labor Commission procedures. Legislative oversight of rules. Provisions for tie votes. HCS HB 333 GOVERNOR SIGNED Barnes Require 1 year warranty for wheelchairs. Consumer can demand be fixed, replaced or refunded. HB 337 GOVERNOR SIGNED Prost Exempt grain stored just to be cleaned from grain elevator laws concerning insolvent grain storage facilities. HB 345 GOVERNOR SIGNED Williams, D. Minimum 1 year suspension for kid bringing weapon to school. SCS HS HB 383 GOVERNOR SIGNED Rizzo Several changes in landlord eviction rights & proceedures. HB 409 GOVERNOR SIGNED Stokan Let Aging Division operate care-options information program CCS HB 414 GOVERNOR SIGNED Rizzo Expand businesses eligible for economic dev. tax cuts. Repeal ban on credit to public utility. CCS HB 416 GOVERNOR SIGNED Crump Retirement credit to Highway & Patrol workers on disability. HB 421 GOVERNOR SIGNED Backer Give capitol police full police powers. Let them arrest for parking & traffic violations at capitol. SCS HB 424 GOVERNOR SIGNED Crump Omnibus corrections bill. Felony if inmate damages building. HA requires lethal electric fences at max. security prisons. HB 429 GOVERNOR SIGNED Williams, D. Merit system preference to worker who left to care for kids. Who left state employment and now is returning. HB 440 GOVERNOR SIGNED Koller Patrol auto-purchase revolving fund also to cover aircraft. HB 442 GOVERNOR SIGNED Witt Let Southern & Western Colleges offer masters in accounting. CCS HB 446 GOVERNOR SIGNED Scheve Bunch of changes in county boundary commission. On city boundaries within a county. SS HCS HB 452 GOVERNOR SIGNED Heckemeyer Let 3rd class city voters approve law enforcement sales tax. SS HB 461 GOVERNOR SIGNED Witt Repeal 1995 expiration of Patrol search warrant powers. Expires March 1995. SS HCS HB 484 GOVERNOR SIGNED Scheve Ethics Commission enforce voluntary campaign spending limits rather than Secretary of State. Limits passed in 1994. HB 502 GOVERNOR SIGNED Carter Add second legislator to Minority Needs Health Commission. One from each party. SCS HCS HB 558 GOVERNOR SIGNED Hosmer Tougher consumer protection regulations on securities. HB 559 GOVERNOR SIGNED Farnen County clerk not have to inspect county property below $250. SCS HS HB 562 GOVERNOR SIGNED Bray Remove bid requirement for purchases below $5,000. Efficiency commission recommendation. SCS HB 573 GOVERNOR SIGNED Gaw Let Social Services contract with other entities to carry out purposes of the department. And accept gifts. SCS HCS HB 574 GOVERNOR SIGNED Canuteson Eliminate a whole bunch of outdated boards & commissions. HB 607 GOVERNOR SIGNED Foley Let St. Louis towns levy capital improvement sales tax. HB 611 GOVERNOR SIGNED Gratz Road easement for access by landowners near a state prison in Cole County. HB 617 GOVERNOR SIGNED Donovan Special auto license plate for Child Trust Fund contributor. SCS HCS HB 622 GOVERNOR SIGNED Lakin Create administration division to oversee state buildings. Several other state gov't administrative changes. HB 683 GOVERNOR SIGNED McBride Give some Highway Patrol land to Rolla for widening street. HB 712 GOVERNOR SIGNED Williams, D. Let Veterans Commission accept land in Johnson County. HB 717 GOVERNOR SIGNED Prost Suspend trucker license for driving under out-of-service order. HCS SS SB 3 BECAME LAW Schneider Technical changes in administrative hearing discovery acts. Extend Admin. Rules Committee veto power to Hearing Comm. The bill automatically became law because the governor took no action on the bill, neither signing nor vetoing the bill. SB 14 GOVERNOR SIGNED Scott Several library law changes. Network revolving fund. Administrative Rules Comm. veto over network regulations. CCS SB 16 GOVERNOR SIGNED Caskey Let any size county establish housing project programs. For public housing & demolition. Now limited to 400,000 pop. SB 21 GOVERNOR SIGNED Mathewson Authorize sale of education/prison $250 million bond issue. That was approved by the voters. Makes no changes. SB 24 GOVERNOR SIGNED Lybyer Driver's license to include person to make health care decisions. SS SB 27 GOVERNOR SIGNED Goode Health insurance plans must cover breast cancer treatments. Chemotherapy and bone marrow transplants. HCS SB 35 GOVERNOR SIGNED Howard Let dental assistant do some work now restricted to dentist. HCS SCS SB 43 GOVERNOR SIGNED McKenna Bunch of changes in liquor license laws. HCS SCS SB 47 GOVERNOR SIGNED Schneider Retirement increase for judges. SB 58 GOVERNOR SIGNED Mathewson Revolving fund for hearing aid licensing agency. Fees go to fund rather than to state treasury. HCS SCS SB 60 GOVERNOR SIGNED Goode Tougher regulation of used tire waste disposal and sites. SB 63 GOVERNOR SIGNED Treppler One year extension for earthquake safety commission report from June 1996 to 1997. Also expand size of commission. SB 64 GOVERNOR SIGNED Treppler Let PSC determine charges for making certified copies of records. Now, cost set in law. SB 65 GOVERNOR SIGNED Howard Add more farmers to state Soil & Water Districts Commission. Make chair non-voting member. Tougher XGR Rules veto power. SB 66 GOVERNOR SIGNED Howard Much tougher Ag. Dept. powers to control boll weevils. Also allow cotton growers to impose tax for program. SCS SB 69 GOVERNOR SIGNED Moseley Separate license for provisional clinical social worker who has not completed 24 months clinical experience. CCS SB 70 GOVERNOR SIGNED McKenna Require common color scheme for auto license plates. Also all types to have "graphic reflective background." SS SB 72 GOVERNOR SIGNED Wiggins Extend local mass transit tax power from Dec. 1995 to 1997. SCS SB 80 GOVERNOR SIGNED Goode Bunch of changes in the new trademark law. More power to Sec. of State to reject registration request. SB 93 GOVERNOR SIGNED McKenna Require scheduled payments in construction contracts. Exempts private home contracts. HCS SB 96 GOVERNOR SIGNED Treppler Require bathroom equity in large public amusement facility. Must have at least as many female bathrooms as male ones. HCS SCS SB 101 GOVERNOR SIGNED Lybyer State to take over Linn Technical College. Make it a state school, if local district gives to state. HCS SB 102 GOVERNOR SIGNED Mueller Let courts order ignition interlock for drunken drivers. SB 108 GOVERNOR SIGNED Wiggins Exempt AIDS nursing homes from certificate of need law. Which requires state approval for nursing home expansion. HCS SB 109 GOVERNOR SIGNED Maxwell Classify elk as livestock under state agriculture laws. SB 115 GOVERNOR SIGNED Melton Board officers responsible for forfeited corporation. Prior to 1990. Board members can be sued by creditors. SB 116 GOVERNOR SIGNED Caskey Several changes in nonprobate property transfers. SB 123 GOVERNOR SIGNED Quick Implement settlement on Missouri-Nebraska boundary fight. Involving McKissick's Island. SB 125 GOVERNOR SIGNED Lybyer Allow doctor to give excess narcotics for intractable pain. SB 131 GOVERNOR SIGNED Maxwell Allow sale of $15 million in storm water bonds. SB 133 GOVERNOR SIGNED Wiggins Allow special election dates for K.C. culture district tax. SCS SB 136 GOVERNOR VETOED Caskey Retirement increase for teachers retired before May 1994. SCS SB 140 GOVERNOR SIGNED DePasco Let K.C. cops buy retirement credit for military service. SB 146 GOVERNOR SIGNED DePasco Let legislature appropriate for K.C. Union Station repairs. SCS SB 152 GOVERNOR SIGNED DePasco No dealer license needed for business to sell its used cars. If cars sold at business & had been used by the business. SB 156 GOVERNOR SIGNED Lybyer Business may transfer truck license to a replacement truck. HS SB 167 GOVERNOR SIGNED Banks Require St. Louis Police Board to release more budget info to the city. Ban transfer of funds among budget line items. HCS SB 170 GOVERNOR SIGNED Curls Exemption to limit on life insurance investment in property. Can exceed 80% of value limit if have mortgage insurance. CCS SB 174 GOVERNOR SIGNED Moseley Tougher child abuse protections. Make it easier for a judge to remove a child from the parent if the child's safety is at risk. SB 175 GOVERNOR SIGNED Caskey Prohibit optometrists from using lasers. Other provisions that are generally tougher. HCS SB 178 GOVERNOR SIGNED Quick Bunch of changes in bank regs, inspections & reports. SB 186 GOVERNOR SIGNED Moseley Remove specific test doctor must pass to be licensed. Let Healing Arts Board determine qualifications. HCS SB 207 GOVERNOR SIGNED Maxwell A.G. to enforce National Guardman's right to keep job if called up for active duty and employer terminates him. HCS SB 212 GOVERNOR SIGNED House Let Highway Commission restrict building on future highway cooridors. SB 214 GOVERNOR SIGNED Klarich Repeal voting provision for St. Louis County levee district. By which owner has at least 1 vote & right to appeal tax. HCS SB 215 GOVERNOR SIGNED Klarich Let Mo. bank act as agent for out-of-state bank. Include reference to limited liability firms in banking law. SB 228 GOVERNOR SIGNED McKenna Exempt flood grants from limit on water supply grants. Which prohibits getting more than one grant every 2 years. HCS SB 246 GOVERNOR VETOED Mueller Raise limit on late-payment charge in installment credit. SB 255 GOVERNOR SIGNED Johnson Effectively funding increase for N. Andrew School District. Lets use more of its operating levy to school aid credit. HS SB 268 GOVERNOR SIGNED Caskey Change Supreme Court rules to implement juvenile crime bill. Relating to adult trial limits, closed records, etc. SB 269 GOVERNOR SIGNED Bentley School textbook fund can be used for instruction materials. Not just books. SB 275 GOVERNOR SIGNED Staples Let Parks Division use volunteers. HS SS SB 279 GOVERNOR VETOED Schneider SS imposes abortion restrictions. Must offer counseling. Org. bill required training for family court case managers. SB 283 GOVERNOR SIGNED McKenna PSC to regulate natural gas release notices. Rather than Natural Resources Dept. CCS SB 292 GOVERNOR SIGNED McKenna Bunch of changes in cosmetologist regulation & licensing. SCS SB 298 GOVERNOR SIGNED Howard Let state trade Poplar Bluff N.G. Armory for other land owned by the city. SB 299 GOVERNOR SIGNED Caskey Eliminate the Rural Health Advisory Commission. It had a sunset termination of Aug. 1995, anyway. HS SS SB 301 GOVERNOR SIGNED Caskey Allow state pooled bonds for school districts. HCS SCS SB 326 GOVERNOR SIGNED Singleton Protect school districts from reduction in state funding. HS SB 340 GOVERNOR SIGNED Caskey Legislative veto power over university mission statements. Each college can seek statewide mission statements. SB 347 GOVERNOR SIGNED Moseley Let any county establish a family court. Now, only circuits can adopt family courts. HCS SB 352 GOVERNOR SIGNED Clay St. Louis Circuit Court must give mayor the court's budget estimates for the next fiscal year. HS SB 355 GOVERNOR SIGNED McKenna Restrict copyright royalties for musical performances. SCS SB 357 GOVERNOR SIGNED Flotron Long-term care insurance included in Medicaid eligibility. Counted as income in determining applicant's elibibility. SB 366 GOVERNOR SIGNED Curls Limit rise in state payment for nursing home care. HS SB 374 GOVERNOR SIGNED Wiggins Extend legislative veto power to all Revenue Dept. rules. SB 376 GOVERNOR SIGNED Howard Extend life of Wetlands joint legislative committee. It expires Dec. 1995. CCS SB 378 GOVERNOR SIGNED Moseley Bunch of changes in school retirement system. Add more benefit options. Raise hours retiree can work. SB 385 GOVERNOR SIGNED Maxwell Extend National Guard scholarship to private schools. SS SB 387 GOVERNOR SIGNED Singleton Cop training commission to develop standards for police departments, voluntary. Also make fund a revolving fund. SB 395 GOVERNOR SIGNED Johnson Add a couple of benefit options to state govt retirement. SCS SB 400 GOVERNOR SIGNED Kinder Drop part of law giving land to Kenny Rogers CP Center in Scott County. Repeal land revert to state if not used. SCS SB 404 GOVERNOR SIGNED Scott Retirement increase for retired St. Louis City firemen. HCS SB 407 GOVERNOR SIGNED House Restrict radioactive waste incineration at Weldon Spring. Allow only for 5 years & only waste generated at plant. SCS SB 410 GOVERNOR SIGNED Johnson Establish flexibile benefit plans for state workers. Management review commission recommendation. SB 413 GOVERNOR SIGNED Clay Metro school superinendent contract may be less than 4 yrs. Now must be 4 years. Bill would allow 1 to 4 year contracts. SB 414 GOVERNOR SIGNED Caskey Let any local govt file bankruptcy lawsuit in federal court. SB 420 GOVERNOR SIGNED Melton Let non-Mo. utility provide service to area at boarder of the state if Mo. utility cannot provide service. SB 421 GOVERNOR VETOED Singleton Vote on county planning can be on any election ballot. Now, limited to general election vallot. SB 437 GOVERNOR SIGNED Mathewson Allow two state fair commissioners from same Cong. district. CCS SB 445 GOVERNOR SIGNED Maxwell Let Social Services Dept. spend grants as it wishes. HCS SB 446 GOVERNOR SIGNED Maxwell Crime to own tools for breaking into a vending machine. SB 452 GOVERNOR SIGNED Klarich Extend nursing license tax & student loan program to 2000. It expires June 30, 1995. CCS SB 454 GOVERNOR SIGNED Rohrbach Change funding source requirement for mental health center contracted by county. Make county GR funding discretionary. HCS SB 460 GOVERNOR SIGNED Caskey Task force to study foster home & resid. child placements. SB 461 GOVERNOR SIGNED Staples Give some state land in Shannon County to Conservation Dept. SB 468 GOVERNOR SIGNED Graves No liquor manufacturing license needed if for personal use. SB 471 GOVERNOR SIGNED Rohrbach Tougher bike safety rules. Require reflective clothing. HJR 19 ON BALLOT Kreider Raise maximum school district debt voters can approve. From 10% to 15% of taxable property value. HS HJR 20 ON BALLOT Kreider Require state voter approval in any year the legislature passes tax increases exceeding 1% of the state's general revenue -- about $50 million. CCS SJR 4 VOTERS PASSED Goode Repeal ban on legislature passing single-county laws. Now, law affecting a county must apply to all of same class. SS SJR 24 ON BALLOT Maxwell Require at least 1% of GR be spent on building maintenance. Recommendation of management review commission.