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Governor Is Not Placated By Abortion Bill

May 1, 1996
By: Kimberly Lohman
State Capital Bureau
Governor Carnahan has issued a veto threat to a bill that would make access to abortions more difficult.
Story:Kimberly Lohman
OutCue: SOC

It came across loud and clear -- the governor called reporters into his office to announce he will not allow any legislation that will further restrict abortion.

Actuality:Gov. Carnahan
Contents: [279K WAV file - Carnahan says objects to suggestions he would sign a compromise abortion bill.]

Carnahan's veto message flies in the face of efforts by anti-abortion rights leaders try to come up with a bill that the governor could sign.

Catholic Conference lobbyist Lou Defeo charges the governor was disingenous last year when he gave the impression that he only had one major problem with the bill. Defeo says while a good faith effort was made to comply with his objections, Carnahan won't budge on the abortion issue.

From the state capitol, I'm Kimberly Lohman.