Mo. Digital News
Missouri Digital News
Mo. Digital News
Missouri Digital News
Missouri Sexual Harrassment Law Punishes Kids Too
October 3, 1996 By: Jennifer Horton State Capital Bureau
There is nothing in Missouri law that prohibits a six year old child from being suspended for sexual harassment. Jennifer Horton has more.
Missouri's sexual harassment law does not make any distinction between a high school senior and a six-year-old first grader.
In fact, it encourages school administrators to educate students of all ages on sexual harassment policies.
An attorney for Missouri's Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Mark Vanzandt, says it is necessary for school officials to protect their students from sexual harassment, even at six.
Vanzandt says it is up to the individual school board to decide how to punish a five or six-year-old charged with sexually harassing a classmate.
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