Mo. Digital News
Missouri Digital News
Mo. Digital News
Missouri Digital News
Senior Mo. Rep. Accused of Misusing Campaign Funds
October 24, 1996 By: Jennifer Horton State Capital Bureau
Missouri State Representative Gene Copeland, the longest serving member of the House, is being accused of illegally spending campaign funds.
Jennifer Horton has the details from the state capital.
The Missouri Republican Party accuses State representative Gene Copeland of illegally using over 80-thousand dollars in campaign funds over ten years.
State GOP spokesman Daryl Duwe, says Copeland's campaign finance reports prove he is spending the funds on country club dinners and other personal over a thousand dollars on golf balls and his home cable bill.
But Copeland says he can explain all of the expenditures.
Copeland calls the accusation a personal attack made by John Cozad, chairman of the Missouri Republican Party.
From the capital, I'm Jennifer Horton.
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