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Democratic House Chaos Ends

January 10, 1996
By: Karen Fogg
State Capital Bureau

After a week of chaos, Democrats united to elect a new House Speaker, 38-year-old Steve Gaw, from Moberly. Karen Fogg has the story from the State Capitol:

Steve Gaw is one of the youngest House speakers in the history of Missouri, and a proponent of abortion rights.

Gaw was part of a package deal with Speaker Pro-tem Fletcher Daniels to appease the Black Caucus and anti-Griffen democrats.

Daniels, a black member of the 5 dissident democrats, voted for the republican candidate just two days ago.

Gaw says the new leadership represents all of Missouri:

Contents: [126K WAV file - New House speaker's acceptance speech stresses inclusion.]

Gaw says the democratic party has a new rule: there are no dissidents.

From the State Capitol, I'm Karen Fogg.