Mo. Digital News
Missouri Digital News
Mo. Digital News
Missouri Digital News
Early Inaugrial Preperations Effect the Capitol
November 21, 1996 By: Jennifer Horton State Capital Bureau
State Capitol workers are already setting up for Governor Mel Carnahan's inaugeration...which is still a month and a half away. Jennifer Horton reports from Jefferson City.
The inaugeration of Missouri's elected officials won't be until January 13th.
But preperations for the event are already underway.
A giant stage and scaffolding runs the entire length of the front steps of the capitol.
Yellow caution tape and a big plastic tarp cover the platform where you'll be able to clearly see the governor on inaugeration day.
Stan Paczkowski is thee capitol improvements manager for the Facilities Management Division.
Paczkowski says the only way he could tell if the stage could be lowered is to build the stage this early.
From Jefferson City, I'm Jennifer Horton
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