During a Missouri House Committee meeting on racial profiling, Lieutenant Governor candidate Gracia Backer brought up another type of profiling she says Missouri police use.
Renny MacKay has more from Jefferson City.
A House Committee did pass the Senate bill that will try to put an end to racial profiling in Missouri... But, during the discussion Gracia Backer discussed how police have targetted her.
Backer says this geographic profiling isn't as serious as racial profiling. But, she does say she will look into the issue and could add an amendment to the bill in the House.
From the state capitol, I'm Renny MacKay.
For the second time this month a House committee passed a bill to fight racial profiling in Missouri.
Renny MacKay has more from Jefferson City.
Earlier this month the committee passed a House version of the bill and now it has passed the Senate's version.
The two bills are identitical, but the Senate bill is on a faster track.
If the House passes the bill it only needs the approval of the Governor to become law.
Marsha Richeson from the A-C-L-U says the bill addresses an urgent issue.
®MDRV¯®LM0¯FILL:®MDNM¯ She says the ACLU gets complaints from all over the state and the problem is only getting worse.
The bill would make officers record statistics of people they pull over. Even if there is no ticket given out, or arrest made.
From the state capitol, I'm Renny MacKay.
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