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Cara Karunaratne
Stories by
Cara Karunaratne
Radio Story - Senate President Pro Tem Peter Kinder is just one lawmaker who supports a lawsuit seeking to repeal Governor Holden's executive order allowing collective bargaining by public state employees.
Radio Story - Senate President Pro Tem Peter Kinder is just one lawmaker who supports a lawsuit seeking to repeal Governor Holden's executive order allowing collective bargaining by public state employees.
Radio Story - The House overwhelmingly approved a bill that will expand Medicaid coverage and establish a prescription drug program for senior citizens
Radio Story - GOP Questions Democratic Motives
Radio Story - Senate President Pro Tem Peter Kinder says the governor's name-calling is ridiculous.
Radio Story - Sen. Bill Kenney, R-Lee's Summit, says the governor's $500 million transportation plan will not be brought up on the Senate floor this session.
Radio Story - The House passed its redistricting map 117-37 despite complaints about breaking up communities.
Radio Story - The Senate passed a resolution issuing $35 million in bonds for the construction of a new arena at University of Missouri-Columbia.
5/ 9/2001:
Radio Story - While the Senate filibusters its own plan for redistricting, the House passed its version in a near party line vote.
5/ 9/2001:
Radio Story - Governor Bob Holden says he doesn't think the Senate's plan for Congressional redistricting makes sense for St. Louis.
Radio Story - Senator Anita Yeckel says that although she supports a measure to permit simulcasted horse-race betting, she says there's probably not enough time to hear the bill this year. Right now, the bill is stuck in a Senate committee because there has not been enough time for opponents to testify.
Radio Story - Lawyer Michael Carvin has been hired to help out the Senate Redistricting Committee, which makes Democratic members uncomfortable
Radio Story - A redestricting plan submitted by Lacy Clay could jeopardize Gephardt's seat in the House.
4/ 9/2001:
Radio Story - The House Commerce Committee approves a bill that allows use of sales tax revenues generated by the stadium fund to pay for construction of a new stadium.
4/ 2/2001:
Radio Story - While the nation waits for George W. Bush to sign medical privacy laws, state lawmakers debate compliance with them.
4/ 2/2001:
Radio Story - Gov. Bob Holden defended his decision to appoint Rep. Mark Richardson to the head of the State Redistricting Committee.
Radio Story - A Senate bill proposes creating a regional board to govern all St. Louis-area airports, giving the region a voice in airport-related decisions.
3/ 7/2001:
Radio Story - An anti-gun senator is sponsoring a bill that would bring the issue of carry concealed weapons back to Missouri voters.
Radio Story - A bill that would include sexual orientation in the state's human rights laws have little chance of passing out of the committee this year.
Radio Story - A House bill would make all incoming governors give a detailed account of all contributions to gubernatorial inaugurations
Radio Story - Lawmakers want to ensure better inspection and care of all animal care facilities in the state.
Radio Story - The Chamber of Commerce says Missouri is spending at a faster rate than the federal government
2/ 7/2001:
Radio Story - Lawmakers are not sure how much money should be spent on preventative programs in schools.
2/ 5/2001:
Radio Story - Senator Peter Kinder becomes the first Republican Senate President Pro Tem in 52 years.
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