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Renny MacKay
Stories by
Renny MacKay
Radio Story - Slay visited the capitol and spoke with several lawmakers and the governor, but he did not leave with an agreement to get a Cardinal stadium built.
Radio Story - Slay visited the capitol and spoke with several lawmakers and the governor, but he did not leave with an agreement to get a Cardinal stadium built.
5/ 8/2001:
Radio Story - The Republicans are fuming over several political moves the Democrats used to pass a redistricting map in the House.
5/ 3/2001:
Radio Story - Sen. Peter Kinder says because of the governor's actions he will not help move any of the governor's legislation.
Radio Story - The Senate Tranportation Committee passed a transportation funding plan similar to the governor's after a Republican broke ranks and voted with Democrats.
Radio Story - After debating the tax credit bill for several days last week, the House Floor Leader moved the previous question almost immediately Tuesday, upsetting Republicans.
Radio Story - During debate on airline safety an amendment to do a real time study of the airport expansion plan is debated and then defeated by the Missouri House.
Radio Story - Guns could be hidden in auto glove compartments under a measure approved by Missouri's House.
Radio Story - Rev. Larry Rice and Rep. Jim Murphy voiced their opposition to the stadium plan again, and added criticism of the amendments to the bill.
Radio Story - The Attorney General offered an opinion on the redistricting controversy and that led to wild day of accusations.
Radio Story - The bill would increase penalties on those trying to steal ingredients used in the production of meth.
4/ 5/2001:
Radio Story - Democratic members of the Black Caucus voiced their opposition to the transportation plan in a meeting with the governor before eventually voting in favor of his bill.
Radio Story - A decision by Governor Bob Holden on who will serve on redistricting commissions, caused tension in the House.
Radio Story - 'Home rule' means the state no longer controls the city level of government in St. Louis City.
3/ 7/2001:
Radio Story - In the same week a Missouri man had his execution stayed by the Supreme Court over concerns of his mental capabilities the Missouri House passed a bill to ban those executions.
3/ 6/2001:
Radio Story - A month after he said he would take the lead in developing a transportation plan, Gov. Holden unveiled a tax plan to fund the state's transportation.
Radio Story - State Auditor Claire McCaskill released a report today outlining the major transgressions of the state's inspection program. Missouri has the highest percentage of commercial dog breeders in the country.
Radio Story - The Cardinals president said he is looking for some help from Jefferson City to allow the team to leave the city, but St. Louis city Senators don't think that's good for the people.
Radio Story - Democratic Senator Jim Mathewson stepped down from the committee because he says he can't accomplish what he wanted now that Republicans are in control of the Senate.
2/ 6/2001:
Radio Story - The president of the Fraternal Order of Police testified in front of the Senate Transportation Committee to try and get a bill protecting police officers' privacy.
2/ 1/2001:
Radio Story - The Senate Transportation Committee passed a bill to lower the blood alcohol content level to .08 from .10.
Radio Story - Missouri Gov. Bob Holden says education and a balanced budget are his priorities, but Republicans raise concerns about several of his other plans.
Radio Story - The day after an election giving them control of the Senate, Republican leaders got together with Democrats to approve a resolution that makes their payraises subject to appropriation.
Radio Story - Several Senators used a filibuster to prevent a vote on a bill that would reject the Missouri Citizens' Salary Commission's recommended pay raises.
Radio Story - The Democrats and Republicans voted together on the House rules after the leadership of the parties worked to find a compromise on the rules.
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