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Nick White
Stories by
Nick White
Newspaper Story - The Senate majority floor leader, Sen. Bil Kenney, said one of the biggest issues of the legislative sessions is dead.
Newspaper Story - A vote along party lines couldn't get the GOP what it wanted - that more study be dedicated to transportation.
Newspaper Story - As lawmakers debate transportation funding for better roads, Highway 61 is a deadly highway in northeast Missouri
Newspaper Story - MU Health Care received money for its financial shortfall as the Senate and House passed the annual state budget.
5/ 3/2001:
Newspaper Story - Less than an hour after Gov. Bob Holden criticized a GOP transportation plan as "hocus pocus," "dirty tricks" and a "monster," the Senate's top Republican said such comments might jeopardize plans to fix Missouri's roads.
Newspaper Story - The House gave approval Thursday to toll roads. Republicans did not approve.
Newspaper Story - "One Missouri" has succombed to political sparring.
Newspaper Story - Republicans were furious that a Democratic-led resolution to create toll roads passed the House Thursday.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Senate gave initial approval to stiffer penalties for meth producers.
4/ 9/2001:
Newspaper Story - While state lawmakers scramble for ways to fund transportation, toll roads have been forgotten by Gov. Bob Holden.
4/ 3/2001:
Newspaper Story - Sister Helen Prejean spoke out against the death penalty Tuesday in Jefferson City.
Newspaper Story - An assistant to Sen. Harold Caskey, D-Butler, one of the nation's few blind state legislators, could be one of about a dozen people expected to be fired in the wake of Republican measures proposed by President Pro Tem Sen. Peter Kinder.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Holden and state lawmakers are responding to urgent requests for funding from the department of transportation.
3/ 6/2001:
Newspaper Story - Leading Republicans were not supportive of the tax increases in Gov. Bob Holden's $620 million transportation plan.
3/ 1/2001:
Newspaper Story - The firing of a Senate doorman is the first casualty of the Republican-controlled Senate
Newspaper Story - A senator's impassioned plea to devote more resources to Missouri's urban schools drew sharp criticism Thursday from Boone County Sen. Ken Jacob. Sen. Peter Kinder, R-Cape Girardeau, fulfilled a promise to make urban education a prioirity by calling attention to the "crisis" in the Kansas City and St. Louis school districts.
Newspaper Story - Hundreds converged on Missouri's statehouse to urge lawmakers to boost funding for transportation.
Newspaper Story - The House passed a bill to lower the drunken driving threshhold from .10 to .08 despite a current of partisan debate.
Newspaper Story - Missouri moved closer to lowering the threshold for drunken driving to .08.
2/ 6/2001:
Newspaper Story - A leading Republican senator has offered an amendment to the .08 blood alcohol content drunk driving bill that was declared by the bill's sponsor as a "killer amendment" to .08's passage of the Senate.
2/ 1/2001:
Newspaper Story - Columbia's own Vicki Riback-Wilson said she is pushing to make her hometown's a priority in the Capitol Building.
2/ 1/2001:
Newspaper Story - The Senate Transportation Committee gave its unanimous approval Wednesday that would lower Missouri's blood alcohol legal limit from .1 to .08.
Newspaper Story - While calling on legislators to act on the state's growing transportation problems, Missouri's new governor came under legislative attack Tuesday for not offering a single proposal upon which legislators could act.
Newspaper Story - Key state senators say an effort to boost taxes for highway construction is all but dead as a result of the GOP capture of the Missouri Senate.
Newspaper Story - A Senate bill to pay for a funding shortage will cost Missourians $650 million.
Newspaper Story - Rep. Mike Reid has proposed a 10-year moratorium on the importation of wild elks, voicing concern that the animals may carry a dangerous disease.
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