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Matt Williams
Stories by
Matt Williams
Newspaper Story - Missouri's General Assembly wrapped up this year's session Friday, swiftly passing two major bills while failing to address proposals on roads and prescription drug coverage.
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers came to an agreement on congressional redistricting Wednesday when the Senate and House approved a compromise map by wide margins.
Newspaper Story - With only four days left in the legislative session, the Missouri lawmakers worked to finalize several issues, from prescription drugs to parental notification.
Newspaper Story - MU Health Care received money for its financial shortfall as the Senate and House passed the annual state budget.
5/ 9/2001:
Newspaper Story - Senate Democrats -- including Sen. Ken Jacob, D-Columbia -- launched a filibuster Wednesday to block GOP efforts to strip Democratic St. Louis City from the congressional district of U.S. Rep. Dick Gephardt.
5/ 8/2001:
Newspaper Story - All of Boone County would remain in U.S. Rep. Kenny Hulshof's ninth district under a plan given first-round approval Tuesday in the state House.
5/ 2/2001:
Newspaper Story - The state would no longer execute the mentally retarded as part of a larger measure approved by the House Wednesday to change court procedures.
5/ 1/2001:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House approved a plan Tuesday that would allow drivers to keep a loaded weapon in their glove compartment, prompting opponents to complain of a push to chip away at the state's gun restrictions.
Newspaper Story - The House gave approval Thursday to toll roads. Republicans did not approve.
Newspaper Story - The Senate approved the 2002 Missouri budget Thursday that lacks a pay increase for state employees.
Newspaper Story - Alarmed by the spread of methamphetamines, some lawmakers and police are pushing for harsher penalties aimed at sources of the illegal drug.
Newspaper Story - Missourians can put in their two cents on what will grace the back of the state's commemorative quarter to be minted in 2003.
Newspaper Story - A proposal to stiffen penalties for health and safety violations at nursing homes gained preliminary approval Tuesday in the state House despite objections that the bill would hurt even the best facilities.
4/ 5/2001:
Newspaper Story - The House approved Gov. Bob Holden's "One Missouri Transportation Plan" in a near party-line vote Thursday that followed last-minute arm twisting to ensure its passage.
4/ 3/2001:
Newspaper Story - Two top leaders of the Missouri House are working to revive the issue of allowing citizens to carry a concealed weapon two years after voters rejected a ballot issue to do just that.
3/ 7/2001:
Newspaper Story - A campaign to allow Missourians to carry concealed weapons found a surprise, but accidental supporter from one of the leading concealed weapons opponents.
3/ 1/2001:
Newspaper Story - Mixing experience with outside leadership, Missouri Gov. Bob Holden nominated four cabinet members Thursday, bringing in two newcomers while keeping two officials from previous administrations.
Newspaper Story - The campaign for gay rights came before a committee of Missouri's legislature.
Newspaper Story - The state attorney general reports that the recent high increases in natural gas rates were not a result of criminal activity.
Newspaper Story - Under the bill, sponsored by Sen. Larry Rohrbach, the state will perform DNA tests in cases where prisoners can prove it may make a difference in their finding of guilt
Newspaper Story - The House Education Appropriations committee handed the University of Missouri System a $458.5 million budget, a 3.7 percent increase over last year and $550,000 more than Missouri Gov. Bob Holden included in his proposed budget.
Newspaper Story - An audit of the state's inspection program for dog breeders found the program has left animals at risk for substandard care.
Newspaper Story - Representatives of Missouri's billboard industry came out in support of a bill that would restrict the contstruction of new signs.
Newspaper Story - Missouri Gov. Bob Holden proposed using a portion of the state's tobacco settlement to fund life sciences research at large public institutions such as MU over 25 years.
Newspaper Story - In an angry and bitter Senate debate Tuesday, Missouri state senators delayed action on a resolution that would have rejected a raise for themselves.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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