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Governor Holden will announce a new round of $220 million in budget cuts

December 13, 2001
By: Sara Lane
State Capital Bureau

The state economy is in bad shape, and Friday Governor Holden will tell us how he plans to deal with it.

Sara Lane has more from Jefferson City.

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To keep the budget balanced this year, the governor's office says there will have to be cuts.

Spokesman Jerry Nachtigal says there will be no cuts in primary and secondary education, but anything else may be a target.

RunTime: :07
Contents: Nachtigal says these will be painful cuts.

Nachtigal says the governor wants to trim down programs and does NOT plan to raise taxes.

Holden will announce his cuts Friday afternoon.

In Jefferson City, Sara Lane, KMOX-news

What does the bad economy mean for St. Louis' stadium prospects? Sara Lane has the story in Jefferson City.

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Governor Holden will announce a new round of budget cuts Friday afternoon.

His spokesman Jerry Nachtigal says those cuts will be at least 220-million dollars.

But that will not change funding for a new stadium in St. Louis.

RunTime: :18
Contents: Nachtigal says stadium funding is not in jeopardy because the money for the stadium will come from revenues generated at the stadium.

Nachtigal says all areas of the government could be cut, except primary and secondary education.

In Jefferson City, Sara Lane, KMOX-news.

The Governor's spokeman says layoffs of state employees shouldn't be necessary, unless the federal government passes some key legislation.

Sara Lane has more in Jefferson City.

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The state budget is tight and Friday Governor Holden will announce what he plans to cut.

His spokesman Jerry Nachtigal says right now layoffs won't be necessary.

RunTime: :19
Contents: Nachtigal says if Congress adopts the House version of the economic stimulus package it could cost Missouri 100-million dollars

Nachtigal says the cuts will total at least 220-million dollars.

In Jefferson City, Sara Lane, KMOX-news.