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State ID offices may not be secure

October 17, 2001
By: Sara Lane
State Capital Bureau

The state revenue department is not taking extra measures to secure state I-D making equipment. Sara Lane has more from Jefferson City.

OutCue: SOC

The revenue department says it is not adding extra security at offices that make state I-Ds.

Spokeswoman Susanne Medley says the department is asking offices to step up existing security.

RunTime: :11
OutCue: "...those measures."
Contents: Medley says the Health Department reminded offices to adhere to safety measures already in place.

Medley says I-D-making equipment that was stolen from Overland in September has not been recovered.

From Jefferson City, I'm Sara Lane for KMOX-news.

State I-D-making equipment was stolen from Overland last month. But equipment from around the state may not be safer now than it was then. Sara Lane has more from Jefferson City.

OutCue: SOC

A spokeswoman for the state revenue department says no new precautions are being taken to secure the equipment that makes state I-Ds.

Susanne Medley says offices are just improving existing security measures.

Actuality: DOR1
RunTime: :11
OutCue: "...those measures."
Contents: Medley says the Health Department is reminding offices to adhere to safety measures already in place.

The I-D making equipment stolen last month has NOT been recovered.

From Jefferson City, I'm Sara Lane for KMOX-news.

Missouri's revenue department hasn't changed security at offices that issue state I-Ds - even after I-D making equipment was stolen last month. Sara Lane has the story from Jefferson City.

OutCue: SOC

Susanne Medley is a spokeswoman for Missouri's revenue department.

She says offices that issue state I-Ds have not implemented any new security procedures since the theft.

RunTime: :11
OutCue: "...those measures."
Contents: Medley says the Health Department is reminding offices to adhere to safety measures already in place.

Medley says police have not found the stolen equipment.

From Jefferson City, I'm Sara Lane for KMOX-news.