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Julian Pecquet
Stories by
Julian Pecquet
11/ 4/2002:
Newspaper Story - Sec. of state sent letter to circuit court judges forbidding them from keeping polls open past statutory closing time.
10/ 1/2002:
Radio Story - New Medicaid rules cost state $3.5 million this fiscal year.
Radio Story - Holt County voters received ballots marking Jean Carnahan as a Republican and Jim Talent as a Democrat.
Radio Story - The House budget committee voted next year's budget out of committee and onto the House floor Wednesday night.
2/ 6/2002:
Newspaper Story - Gov. Holden's appointee to the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission, Renee Slusher, was rejected Wednesday on grounds that she was biased.
1/ 9/2002:
Newspaper Story - State auditor Claire McCaskill in a news conference following the release of an audit of the Missouri Unemployment Trust Fund said the fund could be insolvent as of next year. The auditor, as well as business groups, say they expect the state legislature to find solutions.
12/ 6/2001:
Newspaper Story - State budget withholdings could be higher than the $150-200 million previously estimated.
12/ 3/2001:
Newspaper Story - Women lawmakers rally for another effort for legislative ratification of the federal Equal Rights Amendment
Newspaper Story - A House committee formed to evaluate solutions to the rising number of repeat offenders met for the last time today. The committee will present its recommendations to the next legislative session.
Newspaper Story - The Supreme Court Justice, known for frankness and conservatism, will give a public lecture on "Interpreting the Constitution" on Nov. 14.
11/ 1/2001:
Newspaper Story - Gov. Holden activated 30 national guardsmen on Thursday to boost up protection at Missouri nuclear facilities.
Newspaper Story - The Ozarks Regional Alliance, a consortium of agencies and private groups helping immigrants adapt to their new life in Missouri, met today to cement their partnership.
Newspaper Story - The State Water Patrol was faulted in a state audit released today. The audit said the patrol had poor standards of accountability for its equipment and expenditures.
Newspaper Story - The state capitol today hosted the annual "Put the brakes on fatalities day", a national event aimed at promoting safety on the nation's roads.
Newspaper Story - The country's largest Bosnian refugee population is in St Louis. Efforts are made to help the community cope with the trauma of war.
Missouri's Transportation Department was faulted for inadequate perfomance standards in a report released by Missouri's state auditor.
Newspaper Story - More than $4 billion of state government's funds for retired state workers got a ride on Monday's stock market roller coaster.
Newspaper Story - The Pentagon today announced plans to call up several thousand reservists. In Missouri, 30 National Guardsmen were activated to state duty.
Newspaper Story - Military bases throughout Missouri were put on a heightened state of alert today after the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C.
9/ 5/2001:
Newspaper Story - House members failed to show up and Senators were sent to the basement of the statehouse on the first day of the Missouri legislature's special session.
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