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NewsBook: Missouri Government News for November 4, 2002


. Black Caucus walks out of House Democratic Caucus (11/08/02)
JEFFERSON CITY - Still reeling from the loss of 14 House seats on election day, House Democrats watched almost one-fifth of their members walk out of caucus on Thursday.

The Black Caucus was apparently angered when Democrats rejected the nomination of Rep. Betty Thompson of St. Louis County as assistant minority leader.

The caucus issued a statement that read: "It was clear then and is evident now that the Democratic Party has shown an unwillingness to hold true to its claim as a party of and for all people. The Missouri Democratic Party has consistently failed to deliver to us and subsequently our constituents."

. New leadership teams mostly young, lawyers (11/08/02)
JEFFERSON CITY - The slates of new House and Senate leadership teams that were nominated this week by Republicans and Democrats are mostly young or lawyers.

Rep. Catherine Hanaway, R-St. Louis County and in line to become speaker of the House is a 39-year-old lawyer. Rep. Rod Jetton, R-Marble Hill, is a 35-year-old in line to become speaker pro tem. And Rep. Jason Crowell, R-Cape Girardeau, is a 30-year-old lawyer who expects to be elected majority floor leader.

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    . Tobacco tax increases may be dead for some time (11/08/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - Missouri smokers will continue to enjoy relatively cheap cigarette prices, and they can thank the anti-abortion lobby as well as the large tobacco companies.

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    . Jacob, Holden pledge bipartisanship from Democrats (11/07/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - Gov. Bob Holden and Sen. Ken Jacob pledged they would work in a bipartisan manner Thursday, two days after Democrats lost 16 seats in the state legislature.

    Jacob, D-Columbia, won the Senate Democrats' nomination for minority floor leader.

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    . Jacob blasts Republicans over campaign financing (11/07/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - Sen. Ken Jacob, D-Columbia, blasted Republicans over what he called deceptive ads financed by special interests.

    He says with control of both the House and Senate, he expects to see results from the Republicans.

    House Democrats and Senate Democrats and Republicans all nominated their slates of candidates for leadership, which must be approved when the legislature convenes in January.

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    . Republicans announce new House leadership (11/06/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - Still basking in the glow of their Election Day landslide wins, Republicans on Wednesday nominated Catherine Hanaway of St. Louis County to be the next House speaker. If Hanaway is formally approved by the entire House, she would become the first female House speaker in state history.

    Also part of the leadership team are Rod Jetton of Marble Hill as speaker pro tem, Jason Crowell of Cape Girardeau as majority floor leader and Mark Wright of Springfield as assistant majority floor leader. All nominees must be approved by the entire House when it convenes in January.

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    . Home rule, term limits, and municipal power plants all pass ballot test (11/05/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - Missouri voters approved ballot questions proposing home rule for St. Louis, term limit reform, and the establishment of joint municipal power plants.

    Voters rejected arbitration rights for firefighters and a proposal to hold a state constitutional convention.

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    . Tobacco tax narrowly defeated (11/05/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - Missouri smokers can exhale in relief after voters narrowly defeated a proposition to raise the cigarette tax by 55 cents a pack.

    Missouri's cash-strapped state government will now have to look to other sources for money to offset rising Medicaid costs.

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    . McCaskill brings in one of few Democratic victories with auditor's landslide (11/05/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - State Auditor Claire McCaskill gave Missouri Democrats their one statewide victory for the night -- a landslide victory following an unusual campaign against Republican challenger and ex-felon Al Hanson.

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    . Republicans claim big wins in Missouri, entire country (11/05/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - Republicans won major gains in most Missouri elections Tuesday. Democratic U.S. Sen. Jean Carnahan and Republican challenger Jim Talent continued to trade the lead in early returns, but Talent now holds a slight lead.

    The GOP has taken over the House for the first time in nearly 50 years, and Catherine Hanaway is expected to become the state's first female House speaker. Voters across the state gave Republicans 90 seats -- 8 votes beyond the 82 seats necessary for control of the House.

    In the Senate, Republicans gained two more seats, giving them a three-vote majority.

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    . Sec. of state to Missouri judges: don't keep polls open past closing time (11/04/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - Sec. of State Matt Blunt -- the man in charge of overseeing the elections and certifying the results on election night - on Friday sent a letter to Missouri's 45 circuit court judges stating it's illegal for them to keep polls open past the statutory closing time.

    The letter is in reponse to actions taken by a St. Louis judge during the 2000 presidential campaign.

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