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Josh Hinkle
Stories by
Josh Hinkle
5/ 3/2005:
Radio Story - Jackson County Senator Matt Bartle says the Missouri Supreme Court has placed the safety of the state's school children in extreme jeopardy.
Radio Story - The Missouri Supreme Court reverses a St. Louis school counselor's misconduct charges.
4/ 5/2005:
Radio Story - The bill owuld allow the replacement of up to two sets of two license plate tabs when stolen.
Radio Story - Walk into you local porn shop... and, soon, that step alone could cost you five bucks.
Radio Story - Lawmkers achieved the two goals of Gov. Matt Blunt's pro-business agenda, passing bills that would limit compensation for injured workers and medical malpractice claims in state courts.
Radio Story - The House committee on Workforce Development and Workplace Safety heard testimony over the Seante-originated bill that would make major revisions to Missouri's workers' compensation law.
Radio Story - The bill that would limit liability awards in Missouri received first round approval in the House... meaning the House can no longer make changes.
2/ 9/2005:
Radio Story - In a House committee hearing, well over 100 parents and their children gathered to protest Gov. Blunt's proposal to eliminate the more than $17 million First Steps program from state spending.
2/ 2/2005:
Radio Story - St. Louis County Senator Tim Green proposed a bill to eliminate state health insurance for all state legislators today.
2/ 2/2005:
Radio Story - In a 90 to 66, almost exclusively partisan vote, the Missouri House voted to pass its own version of the workers' compensation bill.
2/ 2/2005:
Radio Story - In a 90 to 66, almost exclusively partisan vote, the Missouri House voted to pass its own version of the workers' compensation bill, reducing the number of injuries covered under the law.
2/ 1/2005:
Radio Story - A senate committee heard two separate, but similar, versions of a bill to provide tuition grants to the surviving children of any member of the military who was killed in the line of duty and who was, at the time a Missouri citizen.
Radio Story - Legislative goals and the upcoming budget are on the agenda for tonight's State of the State address.
Radio Story - State Revenue officials say a recent discovery by Missouri State Auditor Claire McCaskill is only stirring up controversy over a program meant to create effiencies and budget savings.
Radio Story - Members of the senate committee listened to law enforcement officers talk about the need to reduce the availability of pseudoephedrine, a key ingredient in the illegal drug methamphetamine.
Radio Story - Southwest Missouri State proposed to change its name to Missouri State University, meeting opposition from those who say the new name is historically significant to the University of Missouri.
Stories by
Josh Hinkle
11/ 4/2004:
Radio Story - Sen. Maida Coleman, D-St. Louis, will lead the Senate minority. She beat out soon-to-be senior legislative member, Sen. Pat Dougherty, D-St. Louis. However, Dougherty will serve as caucus chair.
Radio Story - State officlas gather at the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Jefferson City Correctional Center... the replacement to the nation's oldest state penitentiary west of the Mississippi
6/ 8/2004:
Radio Story - Circuit Judge Thomas Brown delayed the hearing on the state's gun control law because Attorney General Jay Nixon asked him to dismiss the suit altogether.
6/ 3/2004:
Radio Story - The state's Supreme Court held that the Secretary of State has the dut to place the proposed amendment to ban gay marriage on the August 3, 2004, ballot.
6/ 1/2004:
Radio Story - The state constitution automatically places proposed amendments on the November ballot, unless the governor sets a special election earlier. The Secretary of State feels election officials won't have enough time to prepare the ballot for an August election.
Radio Story - Jobs Now was meant to create new jobs in Missouri by targeting industries able to offer high-wage jobs in the future. The governor's package was stalled in the Senate because of a long list of amendments.
Radio Story - This Missouri State Senate worked to perfect a bill to better higher education in Missouri. The bill would authorize a $350 million bond for construction and renovation at Missouri higher education facilities. Senator Jim Mathewson proposed an amendment to the bill to add more than $22 million for community colleges, but felt unesay about the possible effects of the entire bill.
4/ 5/2004:
Radio Story - Governor Bob Holden proposed a constitutional amendment today for what he says will protect health insurance for thousands of Missouri children, but some Republicans feels the move may simply be a way to bolster support for his campaign.
3/ 3/2004:
Radio Story - State House Health Policy Committee members heard witnesses speak in favor of a bill to legalize medical marijuana in Missouri.
Radio Story - Missouri is one of three states with a law that bans homosexual acts. Now a Representative Vicky Riback Wilson plans its repeal.
11/ 6/2003:
Radio Story - Missouri is one of three states with a law that bans homosexual acts. Josh Hinkle has more on why this law may soon come off the books.
Radio Story - The state law says all public schools must offer time for the Pledge of Allegiance.
10/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - The American Bankruptcy Institute says Missouri rose to the top of bankruptcy rates in the nation this year.
10/ 2/2003:
Radio Story - You're not alone if your child's favorite teacher has been laid off this year.
Radio Story - Kansas City authorities are searching for the parents of an abandoned newborn found in a shoe box this week.
Radio Story - The governor expressed disappointment today over the legislative defeat of his eduation tax plan.
Radio Story - The governor unveiled Missouri's new anti-terrorism license plate today during a special ceremony.
9/ 4/2003:
Radio Story - The State Chamber of Commerce is launching an effort against Governor Holden's latest tax proposal.
Stories by
Josh Hinkle
Radio Story - Missouri is one of three states with a law that bans homosexual acts. Now a Representative Vicky Riback Wilson plans its repeal.
11/ 6/2003:
Radio Story - Missouri is one of three states with a law that bans homosexual acts. Josh Hinkle has more on why this law may soon come off the books.
Radio Story - The state law says all public schools must offer time for the Pledge of Allegiance.
10/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - The American Bankruptcy Institute says Missouri rose to the top of bankruptcy rates in the nation this year.
10/ 2/2003:
Radio Story - You're not alone if your child's favorite teacher has been laid off this year.
Radio Story - Kansas City authorities are searching for the parents of an abandoned newborn found in a shoe box this week.
Radio Story - The governor expressed disappointment today over the legislative defeat of his eduation tax plan.
Radio Story - The governor unveiled Missouri's new anti-terrorism license plate today during a special ceremony.
9/ 4/2003:
Radio Story - The State Chamber of Commerce is launching an effort against Governor Holden's latest tax proposal.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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