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Jason McLure
Stories by
Jason McLure
5/ 9/2003:
Newspaper Story - Republicans say safety net intact, despite cuts to Medicaid, disabled
5/ 5/2003:
Newspaper Story - The UM would lose share of the state's funding for higher education, while four colleges in Republican districts would gain under Senate budget plan
Newspaper Story - The Senate rejected proposed increase's in Missouri's sales and corporate income tax laws, before agreeing on a plan to raise $122 million in new revenue
Newspaper Story - Senate approves cuts to colleges, prisons, mental health care, and social services, despite Holden veto threat
The state's schools would take a third of a billion dollar cut in state aid and its colleges and universities would see their budgets trimmed by 11 percent.
4/ 9/2003:
Newspaper Story - Mandatory prison sentences would be reduced as part of a comprehensive sentencing reform bill approved by the Missouri Senate
4/ 2/2003:
Newspaper Story - Attorney General's office refuses to rule out helping tobacco industry in Illinois case
Newspaper Story - Senate committee set to pass two-part budget
Newspaper Story - Analysis: Online Sales Erode State Revenues
Newspaper Story - War Clouds Obscure Missouri's Budget, Economic Outlook
Newspaper Story - The House leadership's budget plan would give up the "power of the purse" in exchange for overall spending cuts
Newspaper Story - After first round of cutting, Republican budget alternative still $372 million from balanced
3/ 7/2003:
Newspaper Story - Driver licensing offices that handle 30 percent of Missouri's motorists would close if a Republican proposal gets final approval
3/ 5/2003:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's budget outlook is among the ten worst in the country, according to the National Conference of State Legislators
3/ 3/2003:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's budget is to tight, the crumbling State Penitentiary may have to stay open another year
Newspaper Story - Former budget director James Moody says Missouri's budget problems are set to grow "exponentially" worse unless radical steps are taken.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Senate agreed to go along with a House plan limiting the amount of borrowed money the governor could use this fiscal year at $150 million
Newspaper Story - New House budget chairman seeks fiscal reform
Newspaper Story - In a party line vote, the House approves less than half the governor's request for tobacco money
Newspaper Story - The Governor and Republican legislators have agreed to half the budget riddle, but are still $162 million apart
2/ 3/2003:
Newspaper Story - Anti-tobacco critics question Missouri's use of the tobacco settlement to close its budget shortfall
Newspaper Story - Democrats accuse Republicans of failing to support the governor's budget resolution plan, or to propose a viable alternative of their own.
Newspaper Story - Governor Bob Holden is vowing to cut state funding for schools and universities by 10 percent unless the legislature passes a tobacco bond.
Newspaper Story - State regulator wants tighter restrictions on home insurers
Newspaper Story - Schools, hospitals hiring as Missouri manufacturers cut staff
12/ 9/2002:
Newspaper Story - Counties to sue state over budget cuts for prisons and tax assessors
12/ 2/2002:
Newspaper Story - Constitutional limits on tax increases mean big cuts in state government lie ahead
12/ 2/2002:
Newspaper Story - The weed killer atrazine "de-sexes" male frogs, but is it doing the same to Missouri men?
Newspaper Story - First Lady Lori Hauser Holden introduces the final quarter design despite criticism
Newspaper Story - The state took in $102 million less than anticipated in the first four months of the fiscal year. This could lead to further cuts in higher education.
Newspaper Story - The state Salary Commission recommends hefty raises for elected officials and judges
Newspaper Story - Missouri Democrats hold just 2 of 14 rural Senate seats.
11/ 8/2002:
Newspaper Story - Some proponents of the Proposition A tobacco tax increase said its failure at the polls was thanks to Missouri Right to Life.
11/ 5/2002:
Newspaper Story - A proposition to raise state cigarette taxes by 55 cents a pack was narrowly defeated by Missouri voters.
11/ 5/2002:
Newspaper Story - Missouri voters approved three ballot questions, but rejected two others.
11/ 1/2002:
Newspaper Story - The Kansas City and St. Louis business groups and the state's hospitals behind the tobacco tax all stand to gain from its passage
Newspaper Story - Missouri's four million registered voters will decide whether to give 350,000 St. Louisans Home Rule.
Newspaper Story - A proposal to develop a "no-spam" list faces major hurdles before the flood of junk e-mail can be stemmed
Newspaper Story - A proposed hike in Missouri's tobacco tax would net at least $20 million for several of Columbia's largest employers
Newspaper Story - A summary of the issues behind the six ballot questions voters will decide in November
Newspaper Story - Attorney General Jay Nixon will back legislation to create a no-spam list similar to the state's no-call list.
Newspaper Story - All of Missouri to decide on Home Rule for St. Louis
10/ 4/2002:
Newspaper Story - The proposed 55 cent per pack hike in the cigarette tax could generate a third of a billion in new revenue, but most would be earmarked for new spending.
Newspaper Story - MoDOT will lose $10.4 million due to lax open-container law.
Newspaper Story - Proponents Amendment 4 say it could cut electricity rates and encourage local production.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Department of Conservation will test 6,000 deer for chronic wasting disease during this fall's hunt.
Newspaper Story - A measure on this November's ballot will strengthen the bargaining power of Missouri firefighters.
Newspaper Story - A Cole County judge ruled a 55 cent hike in the state's cigarette tax should go on this November's ballot.
Newspaper Story - A report from state auditor Claire McCaskill charged the Department of Higher Education with billing the state for employee meals costing as much as $60 each , failing to manage the use of state cell phones, paying for dinner parties with no clear DHE business interest, and inadequately monitoring $83 million in grant and scholarship money.
9/ 9/2002:
Newspaper Story - The legislature may address two bills the governor signed then vetoed in July.
9/ 4/2002:
Newspaper Story - Anti-death penalty leaders claim a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision raises questions about Missourians on death row.
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