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Amy Menefee
Stories by
Amy Menefee
2/ 9/2004:
Newspaper Story - Mobile home residents lobby legislators on two bills they say will give them more rights. Park owners and realtors oppose one of the bills, while all agree that landlords should give more notice if a park is closing.
Stories by
Amy Menefee
Newspaper Story - In the aftermath of an investigation into a foster child's death, Gov. Bob Holden announced a reorganization of children's services in the state.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's economy -- already lagging behind other states -- will continue to plunge into the forseeable future, state officials said Wednesday.
Radio Story - The State Transportation Commission would be abolished under a bill filed Monday in the Missouri Senate. Sen.-elect and bill sponsor Matt Bartle, R-Lee's Summit, said the governor should take on more accountability for the state's road system.
Newspaper Story - The State Transportation Commission would be abolished under a bill filed Monday in the Missouri Senate. Sen.-elect and bill sponsor Matt Bartle, R-Lee's Summit, said the governor should take on more accountability for the state's road system.
12/ 3/2002:
Newspaper Story - One Missouri legislator wants to do away with state income tax as we know it. Incoming Senate majority leader Mike Gibbons, R-St. Louis County, has filed a bill that would replace the progressive state income tax system with a single-rate tax.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's transportation revenue efforts are stalled on the road. Since voters' resounding August defeat of a fuel tax increase, no feasible ideas have surfaced. What's next?
Newspaper Story - Gov. Bob Holden is seeking input on his "fair share budget plan," which could result in higher taxes for some Missouri businesses.
Newspaper Story - Following the release of a report on the status of women in Missouri, some legislators say progress is needed. But that would require funding, which is hard to come by in the current budget crunch.
Newspaper Story - As an announcement nears on the University of Missouri system presidency, Missouri officials say there are no easy solutions to higher education budgeting.
11/ 5/2002:
Newspaper Story - State Auditor Claire McCaskill gave Missouri Democrats their one statewide victory for the night -- a landslide victory following an unusual campaign against Republican challenger and ex-felon Al Hanson.
Newspaper Story - Just a few days before the election, no one seems to know when the winner of Missouri's U.S. Senate race will be certified.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's legislature could raise the state's gas tax -- this time without voter approval -- to help finance bond debt, suggested one Highways Commission member in a special meeting Thursday.
Newspaper Story - One of the least publicized issues on the November ballot hands Missouri voters the opportunity to start the process for redefining the very structure of Missouri government and the rights of its citizens. It is the question of whether Missouri should hold a constitutional convention -- a question some call "dangerous."
Newspaper Story - Profile of Al Hanson, Republican candidate for state auditor.
Newspaper Story - Profile of state Auditor Claire McCaskill.
Newspaper Story - State Auditor Claire McCaskill has about $470,000 available in campaign funds.
10/ 8/2002:
Newspaper Story - Communication topped the list of priorities at the first meeting of the Missouri Security Council.
10/ 1/2002:
Newspaper Story - The State Transportation Commission will consider a proposal to revamp the transportation planning process when the commission meets in St. Louis Thursday and Friday. The Transportation Department proposal, which has been in the works for several months, focuses on strengthening the role of regional commissions in the planning process. MoDOT spokesman Jeff Briggs said the plan emphasizes existing roads and local participation.
Newspaper Story - Following the resounding defeat of the transportation tax increase, MoDOT director Henry Hungerbeeler is calling on the Missouri legislature to find money for his department. He points to the 6-cent fuel tax revenue, of which MoDOT receives about 38 percent, as an example of diverting funds away from state highways.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Bob Holden said Thursday that closing corporate tax "loopholes" will be a priority in planning next year's budget. He also urged state departments not to request funding increases.
Newspaper Story - Disabled Medicaid recipients said changes in the Spenddown program will leave them without funds for basic necessities.
9/ 6/2002:
Newspaper Story - The Red Cross -- which was accused of misleading donors and depriving victims' families after Sept. 11 -- is sponsoring the Missouri state Capitol's one-year remembrance of victims.
9/ 4/2002:
Newspaper Story - The 2002 student assessment results show a decline in math skills, but improvement in reading comprehension.
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