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NewsBook: Missouri Government News for the Week of December 8, 2003


. Driskill out, Simmons to head Economic Development Department (12/11/2003)

JEFFERSON CITY - Governor Holden today appointed Public Service Commissioner Kelvin Simmons to replace Joe Driskill as head of the Missouri Department of Economic Development. Driskill is resigning amidst questions about the department's oversight of tax credit programs that were defrauded by sham companies. Driskill headed the department for ten years.

Simmons is best known as an outspoken member of the Public Service Commission. He resigned as chaiman of the commission in November. His previous experience includes a stint on the Kansas City city council.

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. Missouri's foster care system lacks organization and resources (12/09/03)

JEFFERSON CITY - State Auditor Claire McCaskill calls the foster care database shocking in her latest audit. Missouri also ranks in the bottom third in the nation for reimbursing foster parents.

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    . State denies unemployment benefits to St. Louis grocers (12/09/2003)

    JEFFERSON CITY - St. Louis area grocery store employees who spent most of October walking picket lines instead of stocking shelves are not eligible for state unemployment benefits, the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations ruled yesterday.

    More than 6,000 union members filed for benefits after the United Food and Commercial Workers struck one grocery chain and two other chains locked out their employees. Missouri labor law denies unemployment benefits to most workers involved in labor disputes, but UFCW leaders promise to appeal the decision.

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    . Missouri's Supreme Court throws out a school lawsuit seeking more state money. (12/09/03)

    JEFFERSON CITY - In a unanimous opinon, the Missouri Supreme Court rejected a suit by 14 school districts that challenged the governor's power to withhold more than $100 million in state appropriations to local schools.

    The governor has argued the withholding was necessary because state tax collections have been below original estimates. The school districts argued the state constitution blocks the governor from cutting what the legislature has approved for local schools.

    But the court held the governor has broad budget withholding powers, adding "the constitution does not permit the state to spend money it does not have."

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    . A legislative committee rejects the governor's order to let unions collect fees from state workers. (12/08/03)

    JEFFERSON CITY - The legislature's Joint Committee on Administrative Rules has blocked Bob Holden's order that would have allowed unions to collect fees from some non-union state workers.

    The governor's order would have allowed a government-employee unions to collect fees from workers who refused to join the union.

    The commiittee's decision throws the issue before the full legislature in January, which has 30 days to approve the committee's rejection or allow the union-fee rule to go into effect. If rejected, the measure then is subject to a veto by the governor.

    . Missouri Economy Continues Growth (12/08/03)

    JEFFERSON CITY - The Missouri Dept. of Revenue released a reporting saying the state tax revenues are up six percent compared to last year. However, State Budget Director Linda Luebbering says it is unlikely more withholdings will be released.

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    . Economic development director denies that his agency reacted slowly to report of tax credit fraud (12/8/03)

    JEFFERSON CITY - The Missouri Department of Economic Development reacted immediately to information that one of its tax credit programs is being abused, director Joe Driskill told the Joint Committee on Tax Policy. Allegations that the department reacted slowly are inaccurate he said.

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    . Mock-vote by high school students gives same-sex couples right to civil union (12/08/03)

    JEFFERSON CITY -A mock-vote by Missouri high school students passed a bill to permit same-sex couples a civil union in Missouri. The vote came days after Sen. Sarah Steelman, R-Rolla, proposed a statewide vote to maintain Missouri's current ban of same-sex marriages.

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    . Foster care bills will try again this year (12/08/03)

    JEFFERSON CITY - State senators are going to push again to pass a foster care bill to protect children. Last year, the governor vetoed the foster care bill and lawmakers were unable to override it during the special session.

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    . Federal Title I funds go almost exclusively to lower grades (12/8/03)

    JEFFERSON CITY - Almost none of the $190 million in No Child Left Behind federal funds is going to Missouri high schools. Title I funds, used to bring students up to national standards, are instead directed by state school districts to lower grades. Officials say putting funds into early education is a better investment.

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