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2004 Health Stories
Newspaper Story - New shipments of flu vaccines entering Missouri in the coming week will easy the state's shortage on shots, but a full remedy has yet to be found.
12/ 7/2004:
Radio Story - Missouri has no record on the amount of recipients in the I-SaveRx program, after more than a month. The four participating states have no direct control over the program.
12/ 6/2004:
Newspaper Story - A spokesman for Governor-elect Matt Blunt said recent reports criticizing the management of Missouri's Medicaid system show that a reorganization of the program needs to be seriously considered. Inadequate computer systems, poor organization and mistakes by staffers have allowed taxpayer dollars to be misspent, according to two reports issued by the Committee on Legislative Research on Monday.
12/ 1/2004:
Newspaper Story - With a Republican controlled legistor and governor, state employers now have a clear road to passing liability lawsuits limits and to restructure worker compensation laws.
Radio Story - State lawmakers say they will not change the testing process for Mad Cow despite a possible new case of the disease.
Radio Story - An already hesitant world market might be scared away from U.S. beef by the latest suspected case of mad cow disease announced by the USDA.
Newspaper Story - While the Blunt team remains committed to its campaign promises of cutting out waste and fraud first, the governor-elect's spokesman said he cannot rule out the possibility of future Medicaid cuts.
11/ 9/2004:
Radio Story - The latest report from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services shows the number of reported cases is lower than it was this time last year. Despite the flu vaccine shortage, health officials say this flu season is already off to a better start.
11/ 3/2004:
Newspaper Story - Former Secretary of State Bekki Cook decided not to contest the lieutenant general's race after losing a by a nail-biting margin to Sen. Peter Kinder, R-Cape Giradeau. Cook conceded to Kinder on the morning after elections.
Radio Story - Gov. Holden will meet with the governor of Illinois this week to discuss importing flu vaccines from British wholesalers. The Illinois governor has asked for FDA approval to import the vaccines.
Radio Story - State officials say under CDC guidelines nearly 1/3 of Missouri inmates qualify for flu vaccines. The Department of Corrections received nearly 9,000 flu vaccines.
Radio Story - Mubarak Hamed is listed as the Executive Director of the Islamic American Relief Agency, which is under federal investigation. He's also an economist for the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
Radio Story - A new survey shows Missouri hospitals won't be getting the number of vaccines they expected.
Radio Story - The state of Missouri can't enforce federal guidelines that say ambulance drivers paramedics should be near the front of the line for flu vaccinations.
Radio Story - The shortage of flu vaccinations has officials concerned for the health of Missouri schoolchildren.
10/ 7/2004:
Radio Story - A nationwide flu vaccine shortage influences Missouri.
10/ 7/2004:
Radio Story - State agencies have no power to enforce flu shot guidelines
Radio Story - Lt. Gov. Joe Maxwell blames GOP for lack of prescription drug help in Missouri
Radio Story - Kansas state and federal researchers have determined that the cause of a recent outbreak of bug bites is likely the straw itch mite.
Radio Story - The Federal CDC has been called to assist the Kansas Department of Health and Environment in finding the source of a mysterious rash.
9/ 7/2004:
Radio Story - The State Health Department says more Missourians have been diagnosed with West Nile Virus than at this point in 2003.
9/ 1/2004:
Newspaper Story - Gov. Holden unsure of whether convening a special session this month is necessary.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senior Rx program is set to end in December 2005 and begin again in July 2006 leaving a six month gap in prescription healthcare coverage.
Radio Story - A senior senator says there may be issues to warrent a special session to extend a prescription drug plan
Radio Story - One month in the state-sponsored medical malpractice program and only one doctor has been approved. Governor Holden ordered the program to help alleviate high medical malpractice premiums.
Newspaper Story - A mathematical misunderstanding became the center of one of the biggest political disputes in the Missouri legislature's 2004 session.
Radio Story - Legislation banning vaccines containing a mercury preservative hit a roadblock in the Senate.
Radio Story - There was overwhelming support for the bill that requires insurance companies to provide the same coverage for mental and physical health.
Radio Story - We take a closer look at the issues involved in changing Medicaid, and through one woman's experience see how those issues affect the people Medicaid serves.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Holden received a stripped down version of his "Jobs Now" initiative Thursday afternoon after the measure was approved unanimously by the General Assembly.
5/ 6/2004:
Radio Story - Lawmakers approved a budget that removes a smaller number of people from Medicaid than the 30,000 that would've lost coverage under a House proposal.
5/ 4/2004:
Newspaper Story - It is no secret that when it comes to health coverage among businesses big is beautiful. And that holds true for bigger of the small businesses.
5/ 4/2004:
Radio Story - It appears as though legislation designed to reduce the number of people on Medicaid is nearly dead.
5/ 4/2004:
Radio Story - Republican leadership abandoned the bill after Senator Ken Jacob filibustered it on the Senate floor.
5/ 4/2004:
Radio Story - DNR spokespeople claim St. Louis federal highway funding could be in danger under House bill to remove emissions tests
Radio Story - Missourians over 21 would no longer have to wear a motorcycle helmet under bill passed by the House.
Radio Story - House passes bill that would make it more difficult for minors to get an abortion
Radio Story - The House voted to let parents sue anyone who helps their underage daughter get an abortion if the parents didn't give their consent.
Radio Story - The House gave first round approval to a measure that would make liable anyone who helps a minor obtain an abortion without parental consent.
Radio Story - Under a bill passed in the Missouri House parent would be able to sue anyone helping an underage child to get an abortion in another state.
Radio Story - Under a bill passed in the Missouri House of Representatives parent would be able to sue anyone helping an underage child to get an abortion in another state.
Newspaper Story - Supporters of the medical liability lawsuit awards bill say the legislation would prevent frivolous lawsuits against doctors and hospitals.
Radio Story - The House passes a bill that would cap the money awarded by medical malpractice lawsuits, and restrict the suits to courtrooms in the counties they got injured.
Radio Story - The bill would ban human cloning research.
4/ 8/2004:
Radio Story - McCaskill's audit on child abuse contains statistics she calls alarming
4/ 5/2004:
Newspaper Story - Republican lawmakers dismissed Gov. Bob Holden's call for a constitutional amendment Monday to make it more difficult for the legislature to cut state funding for health coverage for welfare recipients.
4/ 5/2004:
Radio Story - Governor Bob Holden proposed a constitutional amendment today for what he says will protect health insurance for thousands of Missouri children, but some Republicans feels the move may simply be a way to bolster support for his campaign.
4/ 1/2004:
Radio Story - Under the bill, unspecified medicaid programs, which currently expand to fund all who are eligible, would have set budgets. Advocates say the change is needed to keep medicaid going.
Radio Story - The House overwhelmingly supported a bill that would force insurance companies to provide comprehensive mental health coverage.
Radio Story - Parents of autistic children urged a senate committee to approve a bill that would prevent children from receiving vaccines containing a mercury preservative.
Radio Story - Senate committee heard bill to ban lawsuits blaming food companies for customer's obesity.
Radio Story - The Senate Pensions and General Law committee heard a bill that would stop customers from suing restaurants, blaming the restaurants for their obesity.
Radio Story - The Senate passed a bill on Thursday requiring birth certificates for stillbirths.
Radio Story - The Senate passed a bill on Thursday to require annual recalculation of the reimbursements to nursing homes.
Radio Story - The senate passed a bill Thursday to create a committee to combat underage drinking.
Radio Story - Democratic Senators marked the halfway point in the legislature by criticizing Republican lawmakers. Two areas Democrats are particularily frustrated with are Medicaid and Education.
Radio Story - A bill passes the house to block lawsuits about getting fat. The bill would ban consumers from sueing the food industry because of weight gain.
Radio Story - Missouri House passes a bill that puts a cap on damages from medical malpractice and liability lawsuits.
Radio Story - Without ceremony, the governor signed a bill that's supposed to give mentally ill children greater access to treatment.
Radio Story - The House gave first round approval to a measure that would prevent children from getting vaccines that contain mercury.
3/ 9/2004:
Radio Story - Whitey Herzog testifies in favor of a bill that would allow physical therapists to treat dogs. Currently a veterinarian must be present while a physical therapist works.
3/ 9/2004:
Newspaper Story - Whitey Herzog, who had led St. Louis Cardinals to a world series championship in 1982, testified in favor of a bill that would let physical therapists to provide rehabilitation to animals without requiring a veterinarian be present.
3/ 4/2004:
Radio Story - With House Speaker Catherine Hanaway showing her support, Representative Roy Holand unveiled a new bill prohibiting vaccines containing mercury from being given to children under eight. He says mercury has been linked to autism.
3/ 3/2004:
Newspaper Story - A bill that would legalize marijuana for medical reasons has resurfaced this legislative session after being killed last year.
3/ 3/2004:
Radio Story - State House Health Policy Committee members heard witnesses speak in favor of a bill to legalize medical marijuana in Missouri.
3/ 3/2004:
Newspaper Story - Over 200 gay rights activists crowded the Capitol Wednesday to speak out against legislation affecting the gay community.
3/ 2/2004:
Radio Story - Missouri's House begins debate on limiting liability lawsuit awards.
3/ 2/2004:
Radio Story - The House Health Committee will hear Wednesday legislation to crack down on hospital infections.
3/ 1/2004:
Radio Story - A bill was introduced in Missouri's legislature to bridge a gap in the federal Medicare Act that will take effect in 2006.
Newspaper Story - To address the issue of statewide child abuse and ways to prevent it, the Missouri Children's Services Commission may consider coordinating state and private services. In its monthly meeting Monday, the commission heard Lucia Erikson Kincheloe, executive director of Prevent Child Abuse Missouri, explain how her organization can extend services and work together with the commission to tackle child abuse.
Newspaper Story - A bill providing comprehensive services for mentally ill children was passed by the House Health Committee Wednesday. Parents would no more have to relinquish custody of their child to avail the health services.
Radio Story - A House committee hearing will be held on a bill that would prohibit state funding of health and social services programs that subsidize abortions
Newspaper Story - Just Pacheco, mother of seven-year-old Augustine and five-year-old Wayne, both with a hearing loss, testified in favor of a bill aimed at providing insurance coverage for hearing aids to children up to age 19.
Radio Story - A Missouri Senate committee was urged to block lawsuits blaming food makers for making one fat.
Radio Story - Abortion rights advocates unveil a legislative "Wall of Shame."
Newspaper Story - Missouri's House Judiciary Committee sent a measure to the House that would restrict liability lawsuit awards. This is similar to the measure vetoed by the governor last year.
2/ 4/2004:
Newspaper Story - The bill proposes the same kind of coverage for both mental and physical illnesses.
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