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November 2004 Stories
Radio Story - Missourians cast 8,183 provisional ballots on November 2nd, but only 3,292 could be verified. Secretary of State and governer-elect Matt Blunt is scheduled to certify the official election results on Wednesday.
Radio Story - Senator Jon Dolan announced an unusual plan for passing a law to enforce the wearing of seat belts. Dolan plans on attaching the law to another law making the use of helmets on motorcyles voluntary.
Newspaper Story - Safety and smoothness rather than extended capacity for Missouri's roadways is how MoDot plans to spend its increased revenue from the passage of Amendment 3.
Radio Story - MoDOT director Pete Rahn said they will use Amendment 3 funds to improve road safety. The first major project will be a huge road smoothing project that will improve 2,200 miles of Missouri roads.
Newspaper Story - Among Missouri's certified votes, there will be more than 3,000 provisional ballots. However, that's less than half of the more than 8,000 provisional ballots cast.
Newspaper Story - A proposal being considered inside the federal Department of Education would require Missouri colleges -- both public and private -- to submit the personal information of their students, including social security numbers, to the federal government.
News summary the week of November 22, 2004
Newspaper Story - Higher education officials point to a tighter visa regulations as one of the reasons for the foreign student population decline in Missouri schools
Newspaper Story - Missouri top Democratic leaders met Tuesday to discuss the future of the Democratic Party.
Newspaper Story - Governor-elect Blunt announces appointments to the Department of Revenue, the Public Service Commission and his gubernatorial staff.
Newspaper Story - Democratic Chairman Roger Wilson will meet with some of Missouri's top Democratic leaders to discuss the future of the party.
News summary the week of November 15, 2004
Newspaper Story - The late warm weather doesn't affect MODOT, crops, deer hunting
Radio Story - State lawmakers say they will not change the testing process for Mad Cow despite a possible new case of the disease.
Radio Story - An already hesitant world market might be scared away from U.S. beef by the latest suspected case of mad cow disease announced by the USDA.
Radio Story - Record haul during opening weekend of deer season attributed to warm weather
Radio Story - Officials at the Missouri State Highway Patrol say they don't have the money for expanding DNA testing required by a new law.
Radio Story - The Joint Committe on Hazardous Waste met today to discuss options for funding the program.
Radio Story - The chief spokesperson for the Missouri Department of Transportation said allowing large trucks to travel the same speed as passenger cars does not increase highway fatalities.
Newspaper Story - While the Blunt team remains committed to its campaign promises of cutting out waste and fraud first, the governor-elect's spokesman said he cannot rule out the possibility of future Medicaid cuts.
Newspaper Story - With statewide elections over, the losing candidates are unsure of their future. They claim there are no immediate plans for now.
Radio Story - A spokesperson for Gov. Bob Holden said the governor did not join in on the open of deer hunting which began this Saturday. Lt. Gov. Joe Maxwell also skipped out on tracking deer this weekend.
News summary the week of November 8, 2004
Newspaper Story - Ken McClure, who led Blunt's transition team when he was elected secretary of state in 2000, worked for the state of Missouri for 23 years from 1974 to 1997.
Newspaper Story - MoDot said it will use new revenue from Amendment 3 to improve 2,200 miles of highway.
Newspaper Story - The state filed for a motion to postpone any further action on a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Missouri's school funding formula.
Newspaper Story - Governor-elect Matt Blunt announced that Missouri Senate Administrator Michael Keathley is the budget adviser for his transition team.
11/ 9/2004:
Radio Story - The latest report from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services shows the number of reported cases is lower than it was this time last year. Despite the flu vaccine shortage, health officials say this flu season is already off to a better start.
11/ 9/2004:
Newspaper Story - Based on estimates from the secretary of state's office, provisional ballots in Missouri will not impact the final outcome of the 2004 statewide office elections.
11/ 9/2004:
Radio Story - Ken McClure, Matt Blunt's transition director, says that he and other aides chosen by Blunt will reflect a desire to use experienced staff.
11/ 9/2004:
Newspaper Story - The latest edition of the "Official Manual of the State of Missouri" gives two conflicting birth dates for U.S. Sen. Kit Bond.
11/ 8/2004:
Newspaper Story - For the first time in over 80 years the Republican party controls both the legislative and executive branches of Missouri government.
11/ 5/2004:
News summary the week of November 1, 2004
11/ 5/2004:
Newspaper Story - Columbia Rep. Jeff Harris was named the new House minority floor leader in a close-door caucus Friday.
11/ 4/2004:
Radio Story - Now that Republicans control the Missouri house, senate, and governorship, they aren't afraid to make major reforms.
11/ 4/2004:
Radio Story - Governor elect Matt Blunt announced that his Transition Director will be Ken McClure, his high school Suncday school teacher.
11/ 4/2004:
Radio Story - Sen. Maida Coleman, D-St. Louis, will lead the Senate minority. She beat out soon-to-be senior legislative member, Sen. Pat Dougherty, D-St. Louis. However, Dougherty will serve as caucus chair.
11/ 3/2004:
Newspaper Story - Matt Blunt and Rod Jetton will be the second youngest politicians in 40 years elected to serve in their respective positions as governor and speaker of the house.
11/ 3/2004:
Newspaper Story - On Wednesday at his home in Springfield, governor-elect Matt Blunt discussed some of his plans for transition into office. Among his top prirorities are announcing a transition team, meeting with legislative leaders and establishing his government reorganization task force.
11/ 3/2004:
Newspaper Story - At least 3 senatorial seats vacated by democrats will be filled by republicans. The turnover gives republicans a two thirds majority in the states upper chamber.
11/ 3/2004:
Newspaper Story - Robin Carnahan, daughter of former Gov. Mel Carnahan will be Missouri's next secretary of state. Sarah Steelman has been elected Missouri's new treasurer and Jay Nixon has been voted to his fourth term as Attorney General. As of this writing, the lieutenant governor's race between Sen. Peter Kinder and Bekki Cook has yet to be decided.
11/ 3/2004:
Newspaper Story - Former Secretary of State Bekki Cook decided not to contest the lieutenant general's race after losing a by a nail-biting margin to Sen. Peter Kinder, R-Cape Giradeau. Cook conceded to Kinder on the morning after elections.
11/ 3/2004:
Newspaper Story - Sec. of State Matt Blunt defeated Claire McCaskill in the race for governor. Blunt becomes the first conservative governor in more than 10 years.
11/ 1/2004:
Newspaper Story - In the battle to win a governor's race that two recent newspaper polls placed within the margin of error, both major parties said they have a staff of lawyers and poll watchers ready and on the lookout against dirty tricks this Election Day.
11/ 1/2004:
Newspaper Story - Feature description of how Missouri votes are counted -- both officially and on election night.
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