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2005 Revenue Stories
Radio Story - Missouri's House Democrats announced their plans to improve the state's economy.
12/ 6/2005:
Newspaper Story - The Public Service Commission is considering new ways to help pay utility bills.
12/ 5/2005:
Newspaper Story - All Missouri drivers would have corn in their gas tank.
12/ 1/2005:
Radio Story - Former vice-chairman Allen Icet will take over.
Newspaper Story - Recent cuts and eligibility reductions to Missouri Medicaid have the hardest effect on women, according to a report released yesterday by the National Women's Law Center.
Radio Story - Organizations like the Missouri Red Cross that helped with hurricane relief efforts in the state will be reimbursed by the federal government.
Newspaper Story - Missourians seeking federal help to pay their energy bills has more than doubled.
Newspaper Story - Attorney General Jay Nixon plans to run for governor in 2008.
11/ 9/2005:
Newspaper Story - Recent upset election lead Missouri democrats to claim future victories.
11/ 7/2005:
Newspaper Story - Missouri public school libraries would face budget cuts if Gov. Blunt's education ballot initiative passes, said an education organization spokesman.
11/ 2/2005:
Newspaper Story - Central Missouri AmerenUE customers will pay approximately 18 percent more for their natural gas this month.
Radio Story - The Medicaid Reform Commission met to discuss how new technology and screening recipients for risk behaviors can save the program money.
Newspaper Story - Missouri Corrections Department will transport a female prisoner for an abortion.
Newspaper Story - If approved by Missouri voters, the cigarette tax increase and stem-cell research protection measures would be immune to legislative tampering.
Newspaper Story - Two Missouri congressmen heard from top Missouri farm leaders about agriculture crisis.
Radio Story - Revenue from Missouri's 17-cent per gallon gas tax has not decreased with the rising price of gas at the pump.
10/ 5/2005:
Newspaper Story - Opposition to a proposed 80-cent cigarette tax increase is emerging from some groups that support a higher tobacco tax, but oppose the way the revenue would be allocated under the proposal.
10/ 5/2005:
Radio Story - An initial group has come out in opposition to a petition drive attempting to a get a tobacco tax increase on the ballot.
10/ 3/2005:
Newspaper Story - Missouri State Auditor Claire McCaskill's office found approximately $5 million in Medicaid budget cuts could have been retained.
Newspaper Story - A spokesperson for AmerenUE, Missouri's largest electric utility provider, raised the possibility of an electric rate increase.
Radio Story - The Callaway nuclear plant is shut down for ten weeks to repair four steam generators.
9/ 6/2005:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Task Force on Eminent Domain, established this summer by Gov. Matt Blunt is studying the practice of eminent domain throughout the state. The task force is studying the use of eminent domain, the law allowing the seizure of private property without the consent of the owner as long as the property will be used for a public purpose and the owner is justly compensated.
9/ 2/2005:
Newspaper Story - In the special legislative session set to begin Sept. 6, legislators will reconsider two bills that failed earlier this year. In addition, the governor's call included nearly a dozen technical corrections to legislation passed earier.
Newspaper Story - The House Democratic leader has urged the governor to expanding the September special session to include a partial suspension of the state's gasoline tax.
5/ 5/2005:
Radio Story - Legislators approved a budget that cuts 90,000 Missourians for the medicaid program.
Radio Story - The plan to revamp how Missouri schools get state money has hit a snag in the House
Radio Story - Democratic Senators say that the middle class is gettinga raw deal from administration and Republican policies.
Radio Story - The tax is for managed care providers to generate more money for the state Medicaid program.
Radio Story - The Senate has until Friday, May 6th to pass the budget, which is a constitutional requirement.
Radio Story - The popularity of online gambling is grabbing money from the Missouri Lottery.
Radio Story - The Senate Appropriations committee passed their version of the Missouri budget to the full Senate.
Newspaper Story - The Senate Appropriations Committee's 5 percent cut to higher education permitted it to reduce some of the Medicaid cuts in the House budget.
Radio Story - A filibuster on Senator John Loudon's "Open Contracting Act" by Democrat Victor Callahan in response to the removal of governmental power to regulate workers' benefits and training.
Newspaper Story - A proposed constitutional amendment to limit increases to the state budget was approved by the House Budget Committee.
Radio Story - Claire McCaskill says she needs more access into tax data to be sure what tax programs are working for Missouri citizens.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate has passed a new formula to fund public schools.
Newspaper Story - Debating until nearly midnight, the Senate approved a new school foundation formula with a price tag of more than $650 million, if fully-funded.
Radio Story - The formula would base funding on how much the most successful school districts spend per pupil.
Radio Story - The House has begun the 12 hour debate on the bills that make up Missouri's budget.
Newspaper Story - ROUNDUP: UM open to big changes; Medicaid "awesome"; Vaccine bill; Blunt budget
4/ 7/2005:
Radio Story - An estimated 100,000 people will be cut from Medicaid and the program will end in 2008.
4/ 7/2005:
Radio Story - The House of Representatives passed the bill that will cut an estimated 100,00 Missourians off Medicaid and terminate the program in 2008.
4/ 7/2005:
Newspaper Story - The House passed the Senate's version of a bill that would cut 89,000 people off Medicaid.
4/ 5/2005:
Radio Story - The bill owuld allow the replacement of up to two sets of two license plate tabs when stolen.
4/ 5/2005:
Radio Story - Gas prices are closing in on record highs everywhere.
Newspaper Story - With only five weeks until it is due, the first draft of the state budget includes cuts to social services and increases to K-12 education.
Radio Story - Governor Blunt signed a workers' compensation bill into law today that will take effect Aug 28th.
Radio Story - Instead of allowing state agencies to decide where to cut the $240 million, as proposed by Governor Blunt, legislators are making the decisions.
Radio Story - Protestors filled the Capitol to save a Medicaid program allowing disabled Missourians to live independently.
Radio Story - Walk into you local porn shop... and, soon, that step alone could cost you five bucks.
Radio Story - Victory for Business
Radio Story - Missouri Senators voted on party lines to end the Missouri Medicaid program within three years.
Radio Story - With no debate or amendments, a Missouri Senate committee passed a bill to cut more than 20,000 people off Medicaid.
Radio Story - A House subcommittee has modified Blunt's cuts to Medicaid.
3/ 8/2005:
Radio Story - In an effort to squeeze more money from the Missouri government, Governor Matt Blunt has formed a commission to reduce state bureaucracy. Blunt has asked a group of Missouri business leaders, citizens, former state employees and the Lieutenant Governor to review how state agencies are organized. Blunt says the commission could recommend cutting state services, consolidating agencies, and eliminating positions.
3/ 3/2005:
Radio Story - Cuts to Medicaid are on their way through the Senate, heading to committee next week.
3/ 3/2005:
Radio Story - House Democrats have proposed a bill that would remove the Governor's power to appoint fee officers. The proposed law would allow for competitive bidding for those posts. The law would also give profits from the offices to local school districts.
3/ 1/2005:
Radio Story - The new formula would give public schools money based on the cost of educating students.
3/ 1/2005:
Newspaper Story - Senate Democrats introduced a block of legislation today to protect consumers in the wake of recent identity theft with ChoicePoint Inc. Other bills include informing consumers about radio frequency identification tags and the creation of an Office of the Inspector General.
3/ 1/2005:
Radio Story - A Senate bill would open up construction projects using public money to contractors employing non-union workers.
Radio Story - Representative Mark Wright filed a compromise bill regarding the SMS name change. The compromise would prevent one school from receiving an ourtrageous amount of state money.
Newspaper Story - A spokesperson for Gov. Blunt announced today plans to defer money from the UM system and five other state universities to pay for income tax filings. The money will be deferred for three months and paid back fully to the schools at the end of the fiscal year.
Radio Story - Governor Blunt announced he is postponing payments to universities for April, May and June. Schools will receive all the money in June.
Radio Story - Senator calls for tax on adult entertainment stores.
Radio Story - Senator Matt Bartle's bill would require sexually oriented business to pay a five-dollar admission charge on every patron.
Newspaper Story - A report from State Auditor Claire McCaskill says that a backlog of information at the Missouri State Highway Patrol puts officers in danger. Vital criminal information is not being received by patrol officers in a timely manner.
Radio Story - The Senate Transportation Committee heard support of a bill to allow police to ticket motorists solely for not wearing their seat belts.
2/ 9/2005:
Radio Story - First Step supporters gather at the governor's office to deliver petitions.
2/ 9/2005:
Radio Story - First Steps supporters argue that the program is the only program that addresses children's developmental problems before the child grows past the window of opportunity.
2/ 9/2005:
Radio Story - In a House committee hearing, well over 100 parents and their children gathered to protest Gov. Blunt's proposal to eliminate the more than $17 million First Steps program from state spending.
2/ 7/2005:
Newspaper Story - Harris cited remodeling of the governor's office as well as fee offices as place where needless money is being spent
2/ 7/2005:
Radio Story - Minority Leader Jeff Harris says Blunt's renovations will cost taxpayers more than one hundred thousand dollars.
2/ 2/2005:
Radio Story - The NAACP held a meeting Wednesday at the Capitol and several members were upset with Blunt's cuts on healthcare.
Newspaper Story - Rep. Bill Deeken has proposed a bill to put an alcohol tax increase in the hands of Missouri voters.
Newspaper Story - Despite a campaign not to reduce Medicaid eligibility, Blunt called for a budget that would cut the benefits for 110,000 Missourians.
Radio Story - State Revenue officials say a recent discovery by Missouri State Auditor Claire McCaskill is only stirring up controversy over a program meant to create effiencies and budget savings.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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