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Tim Carnahan
Stories by
Tim Carnahan
Radio Story - A Democratic filibuster shelved an abortion bill.
5/ 3/2005:
Radio Story - Student representatives on college governing boards one step closer to voting power
Radio Story - The plan to revamp how Missouri schools get state money has hit a snag in the House
Radio Story - Governor Blunt signed the bill cutting healthcare to nearly 100,000 Missourians.
Radio Story - Republican Governor Blunt ruled the execution should take place, despite the findings of a parole board.
Radio Story - The Senate heard a bill increasing prison time for drunk drivers causing fatal accidents.
Radio Story - The bill opens up lawsuits against people assisting minors in getting an abortion without parental consent.
Radio Story - The Senate discussed toughening penalties for underage drinkers and those who give them the alcohol.
Radio Story - Senate filibuster shelves bill removing helmet requirement
Radio Story - The formula would base funding on how much the most successful school districts spend per pupil.
Radio Story - The struggle over Terri Schiavo's death has lead two Missouri legislators to propose laws giving Missouri power to award custody of patients, or even take over patient care.
Radio Story - Protestors filled the Capitol to save a Medicaid program allowing disabled Missourians to live independently.
Radio Story - Missouri Senators voted on party lines to end the Missouri Medicaid program within three years.
Radio Story - A House subcommittee has modified Blunt's cuts to Medicaid.
3/ 8/2005:
Radio Story - In an effort to squeeze more money from the Missouri government, Governor Matt Blunt has formed a commission to reduce state bureaucracy. Blunt has asked a group of Missouri business leaders, citizens, former state employees and the Lieutenant Governor to review how state agencies are organized. Blunt says the commission could recommend cutting state services, consolidating agencies, and eliminating positions.
3/ 3/2005:
Radio Story - Cuts to Medicaid are on their way through the Senate, heading to committee next week.
3/ 3/2005:
Radio Story - House Democrats have proposed a bill that would remove the Governor's power to appoint fee officers. The proposed law would allow for competitive bidding for those posts. The law would also give profits from the offices to local school districts.
3/ 1/2005:
Radio Story - A Senate bill would open up construction projects using public money to contractors employing non-union workers.
Radio Story - In a broad stroke, the Missouri House sumbitted a bill replacing much of the Senate compromise on change to workers' compensation law. Provisions limiting terms for workers' compensation judges could be changed during conference committee.
Radio Story - Senator Kit Bond is asking the Federal government to provide five hundred million dollars to Parents as Teachers, an early childhood development program. In the program, parent educators meet with families to encourage healthy childhood development. Bond began the program as governor in 1980.
Radio Story - The Missouri House has passed a bill changing the laws governing civil liability lawsuits. The bill caps punitive damage awards, restricts venue, and redefines pharmaceutical companies as health care providers. The bill is up for debate in the Senate.
Radio Story - The Missouri House discussed a bill that puts a $250,000 cap on punitive damage awards. The bill also changes how award amounts are calculated, and adds restrictions to where lawsuits can be heard.
Radio Story - The Senate sends the House a bill restricting health coverage for workers injured on the job.
2/ 8/2005:
Radio Story - Saint Louis County Senator Rachel Storch says House Education Committee Chair Jane Cunningham used her position to fundraise for Republican Candidates, raising money from a school voucher advocacy organization.
2/ 3/2005:
Radio Story - Saint Louis County Senator Rita Days has proposed a bill banning the use of credit scores to determine insurance rates. Supporters of current law say the ban could drive business from Missouri. The former state Insurance Director disagrees.
2/ 1/2005:
Radio Story - Senators reject a rule change allowing laptops into the Senate Chamber.
2/ 1/2005:
Radio Story - State Senators removed rule limiting gifts from lobbyists.
Radio Story - Blunt budget plan would cut 89,000 from Medicaid rolls.
Radio Story - Blunt budget plan would cut 89,000 from Medicaid rolls.
Radio Story - Blunt budget plan would cut 89,000 from Medicaid rolls.
Radio Story - State Democrats filed a bill aimed at lowering medical malpractice premiums.
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