A top Republican leader says the time has come for Missouri to eliminate its failing Medicaid system.
Bente (BEN teh) Birkeland has more from Jefferson City.
Just minutes before the senate's debate on Medicaid cuts, President Pro Tem Mike Gibbons, from St. Louis County, says he's prepared for a long night.
Gibbons says the current system fails to help vulnerable people, like the poor and elderly.
Gibbons says he hopes the state will have a new Medicaid program by summer 2006.
From the state Capitol, I'm Bente Birkeland.
A top state leader says fixing Missouri's failing Medicaid system won't be easy.
Bente (BEN teh) Birkeland has more from Jefferson City.
Just minutes before the senate debate on Medicaid cuts, Sen, Gibbons, the President Pro Tem from St. Louis County says cutting Medicaid is a tough decision.
But Gibbons says the current system doesn't help the poor and the elderly. He says it will take time to overhaul it.
The new bill would reduce the income qualifications for Medicaid recipients and eliminate some services.
From the state Capitol, I'm Bente Birkeland.
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