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The Senate Education Committee passed the SMSU name chamge bill to the full Senate.

January 25, 2005
By: Seth Myers
State Capital Bureau

JEFFERSON CITY - The stage was set for round two of the name change filibuster on Tuesday.

In a 6-3 party-line vote, the Senate Education Committee approved and sent the Southwest Missouri State University name change to the full Senate.

After the vote, Sen. Chuck Graham, D-Columbia, implied he was willing to use the same filibuster tactics Columbia's former senator, Ken Jacob, had used to block Senate action.

"I plan on convincing my colleagues that this is a bad idea, for as long as it takes," Graham said.

Graham was among the three Democrats on the committee to vote against the bill.

If Graham does filibuster the bill, the name-change supporters will try to come to some kind of compromise, said Neal English, Chief of Staff to the President Pro Tem.

There is also a possibility, if no compromise is reached, the supporters may end the debate by making a movement to the previous question. This is a rarely used movement that ends debate and forces the senate to come to a vote.

"Our intent is to avoid the previous question at all cost, and explore all other options," English said. "The previous question is always a possibility in the Senate."

The main criticism of the bill is it could increase competition for resources and reduce funding for all higher education institutions.

Supporters said the change will be good for Missouri and help to better reflect the mission of the school.

Paul Kincaid, Southwest Missouri State University Director of University Relations, said the possible filibuster and ultimate decision on the bill is in the hands of the legislature. He said, it is good to have the bill voted out of the committee in January but knows there is still a long way to go.

"This is a good step, but it is very much a first step," Kincaid said. "There are lots more steps to go."

This could be the second time a Columbia senator has filibustered against the name change of the Springfield university. Graham's predecessor, Jacob, conducted a five-day filibuster in opposition to the name change last year. Jacob's filibuster ended with a compromise that would grant the University of Missouri System with $190.4 million, but was defeated in the house later that year.

The bill also includes three other name changes to Missouri schools, and several alterations to the state's higher education policy.

The proposed changes include Missouri Western State College and Harris-Stow State College switching the word college, at the end of their name to the word university. Missouri Southern State University-Joplin will be renamed Missouri Southern State University.

The bill will next go to the Senate floor for a vote.