Intro: Missouri's House Democrats have a new proposal to slow down the trend of rising college costs in 2007.
The Missouri House Democrats plan to introduce a bill to increase appropriations for the state's higher education institutions.
The appropriations will increase by over one hundred million dollars to support the operating expenses at public colleges and universities.
House minority leader Jeff Harris says it's necessary to improve college affordability in Missouri.
Actuality: HIGHEDU1.WAV |
Run Time: 00:18 |
Description: "We have to do a better job of supporting public higher education in the state of MO..." |
Harris also says the state has five hundred million dollars in unencumbered general revenue to fund the appropriations increase.
Harris is a representative from Columbia . . . which houses Missouri's largest public university.
Reporting from the State Capitol . . . I'm Carolyn Tseng.
The House Democrats plan to increase state appropriations for Missouri's public colleges and universities by over one hundred million dollars.
The increase will be five times the amount allocated for the current fiscal year . . . and the appropriations will come directly from Missouri's unencumbered general revenue.
House minority leader Jeff Harris says the proposal will make college education more affordable.
Actuality: HIGHEDU3.WAV |
Run Time: 00:10 |
Description: "If this appropriation were made, it will go a long way toward reducing some of the burden of mom and dads..." |
Harris says the appropriations will fund operating expenses of universities.
From the State Capitol . . . I'm Carolyn Tseng.
Missouri's House Democrats announced its proposal to increase appropriations for the state's public colleges and universities in 2007.
The funding will increase by over one hundred million dollars and comes directly from the state's unencumbered general revenue.
House minority leader Jeff Harris says the proposal will help slow down the rapid increase in college costs.
Actuality: HIGHEDU2.WAV |
Run Time: 00:10 |
Description: "I would expect that if this type of appropriation is to go through, the universities would not be increasing tuition..." |
Harris is a representative from Columbia . . . which houses the largest public university in Missouri.
The Democrat's plan also includes a tax cut for tuition paid at Missouri's public higher education institutions.
Reporting from the State Capitol . . . I'm Carolyn Tseng.