Intro: Attorney General Jay Nixon asked MOHELA's board members to reject Governor Blunt's latest proposal.
The Attorney General's office sent an 8 page letter to board members of the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority, urging them to reject the governor's latest plan for the agency.
The governor's spokesperson, Jessica Robinson, said the Attorney General isn't recognizing the plan's potential.
Actuality: JROB03.WAV |
Run Time: 00:10 |
Description: "This latest rant really just proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Attorney General is an enemy of higher education and of creating jobs for Missouri's working families." |
Nixon said he feared students would end up paying for the the plan's capital improvement projects through higher tuition and higher interest rates on college loans.
In Jefferson City, I'm Hillari Duthoo.
Intro: Attorney General has asked the MOHELA board to reject to the governor's latest proposal. Hillari Duthoo (DOO-thoh) has that story from Jefferson City.
In an 8 pages letter to the MOHELA board of directors, Attorney General Jay Nixion "strongly urged" members to reject the governor's latest plan for the college loan authority.
Nixon called the plan "ill-conceived" and fears students will end up making up the difference in higher interest rates.
House Democrat Margaret Donnelly says she thinks the governor has good intentions, but is entering shaky legal ground.
Actuality: DONNE01.WAV |
Run Time: 00:09 |
Description: "You can have wonderful buildings and no students who can afford to attend and use those buildings. It's a very short-sighted public policy." |
The governor's spokesperson, Jessica Robinson, accuses Nixon of being against higher education.
In Jefferson City, I'm Hillari Duthoo.