Governor Blunt accused of Mansion Misuse
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Governor Blunt accused of Mansion Misuse

Date: October 17, 2007
By: Amy Becker
State Capitol Bureau

Intro: In an event remniscent of the Lincoln bedroom style campaign events of 1997, Governor Blunt is accused of using events at the Governor's mansion as fundraising opportunities.

Amy Becker has more from the state Capitol.

OutCue: SOC

The Mansion Preservation committee allows events at the mansion for a fee but anything to do with lobbying or fundraisers is strictly prohibited.

Democratic party spokesman Jack Cardetti says the mansion is intended for the people's use, not as a tool to further the Governor's campaign.

Actuality:  JACK3.WAV
Run Time: 00:16
Description: Like most things in the Blunt administration they're going to continue to bend the law to their favor until someone calls them out on this.  Now that news reports have indicated that this is going on, they've changed their story. Instead of saying they're "fundraisers" they say they're political events. 

The conclusion waits for the Missouri Ethics Commission to decide whether it will invoke the Sunshine law on mansion events and request a list of every person that attended the event.

From Jefferson City, I'm Amy Becker, KMOX news.



Intro:  Governor Blunt was recently caught in a case of mansion misuse when his finance reports suggested he used political events at the Governor's mansion as fundraisers.

Amy Becker has more from the state Capitol.


Democratic party spokesman Jack Cardetti says since the mansion is intended for public use, the Governor needs to provide a list of those who attended the events and what they gave to his campaign.

Actuality:  JACK2.WAV
Run Time: 00:10
Description: Governor Blunt's campaign is asking us to take them at their word but what they filed at the Missouri Ethics Commission just this week wasn't true.....We need to get to the very bottom of this.

Cardetti says the mansion misuse isn't only problematic for Blunt, it jeopordizes the nonpartisan status of the Missouri Mansion Preservation organization that monitors events at the mansion.

From Jefferson City, I'm Amy Becker, KMOX news.