Christine Slusser has more from the State Capitol.
Democratic House leader Paul LeVota found himself under fire as two anonymous legislative members reported to the Associated Press that they were specifically asked about him by the FBI.
LeVota says there have been various accusations flung by the different caucuses, but he knows nothing about them.
Actuality: LEVOTA2.WAV |
Run Time: 00:15 |
Description: "I don't know what's going on, I don't know anything about any investigation. I know that there's members of my caucus who question some of the things that the Republican leadership did, I know there's members of the Republican caucus who questioned the previous speaker and the things they've done." |
LeVota says he has never been contacted by any local or federal investigators.
From the State Capitol, I'm Christine Slusser.
Christine Slusser has more from Jefferson City.
The Kansas City Star and Associated Press reported this week that there is an undercover FBI investigation going on in the State Capitol which involves "pay for plays", or favors granted by legislators in exchange for political contributions.
Republican Representative Dennis Wood from Kimberling City says that while he personally has not heard anything about the issue, he knows there is always the possibility.
Actuality: WOOD.WAV |
Run Time: 00:10 |
Description: "I'm also realistic enough to know that in a remote case that it probably could happen, but I am not aware of anything at all. Nothing. Either from the Democrat side or the Republican." |
House Minority Leader Paul LeVota also found himself under fire by an AP report in which two unnamed legislators said they were interviewed by the FBI.
LeVota says he has never been contacted by any local or federal investigators and the allegations are just disgruntled members of the caucus.
From the State Capitol, I'm Christine Slusser.
Christine Slusser has more from Jefferson City.
Associated Press and Kansas City Star reports said unidentified lawmakers claimed FBI agents interviewed them and mentioned House Minority Leader Paul LeVota's name.
Lee's Summit Republican, Representative Brian Yates says this is not the first time he has heard of FBI investigations and he says he feels wrong-doings do happen on Capitol grounds.
Actuality: YATES.WAV |
Run Time: 00:14 |
Description: "In the previous administration of our speaker, I believe there was, in my opinion, some ethically challenged things going on, but I don't have any evidence of an actual crime being committed." |
Yates said that, frankly, in politics, nothing surprises him anymore.
From the State Capitol, I'm Christine Slusser.