Gov. Nixon to decide fate of St. Louis Police Commissioner
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Gov. Nixon to decide fate of St. Louis Police Commissioner

Date: February 18, 2010
By: Scott Kanowsky
State Capitol Bureau

Intro:  St. Louis City Representative Jamilah Nasheed called on Governor Nixon to fire Police Commissioner Vincent Bommarito in a letter.
RunTime:  0:40
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Nasheed accused Bommarito of misusing his connections in the St. Louis Police Department to get his nephew out of jail.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that Bommarito admitted to helping his nephew out of a drunk driving charge.

Nixon says he has not seen Nasheed's letter but plans to tackle the issue.

Actuality:  NIXON5.WAV
Run Time:  00:13
Description: "As I indicated then my office is working with (Public) Safety Director John Britt to ascertain relevant facts and to make a recommendation to me for appropriate action in an expeditious manner.  We're looking at this very closely and very quickly."

The Public Safety Department was not available for comment and Nixon did not say when he will make a formal decision.

From the State Capitol, I'm Nick Berry. 

Intro:  A letter from an angered State representative urges Governor Jay Nixon to decide the fate of an embattled St. Louis Police Commissioner.
RunTime:  0:42
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: St. Louis City Representative Jamilah Nasheed says Police Commissioner Vincent Bommarito abused his power.

Nasheed says she wants Governor Nixon to remove Bommarito from his office immediately.

Bommarito admitted to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch he used his influence to free his nephew from jail.

Nixon said today he is well aware of the situation, but has not made a decision. 

Actuality:  NIXON4.WAV
Run Time:  00:08
Description: "Well, I mean, I've not seen her letter but I did receive and review (St. Louis Police) Chief (Daniel) Isom's late last evening and that letter contains serious allegations."

Nixon added he is working with Missouri Public Safety Director John Britt.

Nasheed sponsors a bill transferring power over the Police force from the state to the city of St. Louis.  

From the State Capitol, I'm Scott Kanowsky.

Intro:  One Missouri representative says the City of St. Louis needs to take control of its Police Department away from the state.
RunTime:  0:36
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Representative Jamilah Nasheed sponsors a bill that would give the City of St. Louis local authority over the Police Force.

A St. Louis Police Commissioner, Vincent Bommarito, admitted to misusing his influence within the Police Department.

Nasheed wrote Governor Nixon a letter, urging him to take swift action.

Actuality:  NASH2.WAV
Run Time:  00:12
Description: "There's no accountability from the City of St. Louis side. The accountability falls at the hands of the Governor, who is 130 miles out. If it was up the City of St. Louis he would have been fired immediately."

House members have yet to vote on Nasheed's bill.

From the State Capitol with Scott Kanowsky, I'm Nick Berry.