Mo. Digital News
Missouri Digital News
Mo. Digital News
Missouri Digital News
Constitutional Amendment 2
Official Ballot Title
Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to require that all real property used as a homestead by Missouri citizens who are former prisoners of war and have a total service-connected disability be exempt from property taxes?
A “yes” vote will amend the Missouri Constitution to exempt from property taxes all real property used as a homestead by any Missouri citizen who is a former prisoner of war with a total service-connected disability.
A “no” vote will not add this exemption to the Missouri Constitution.
If passed, this measure will decrease property taxes for qualified citizens.
The number of qualified former prisoners of war and the amount of each exemption are unknown, however, because the number who meet the qualifications is expected to be small, the cost to local governmental entities should be minimal. Revenue to the state blind pension fund may be reduced by $1,200.
Source: The Missouri Secretary of State.
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