Despite Senate Opposition, the Missouri Health Insurance Pool Continues Work to Implement Obamacare in Missouri
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Despite Senate Opposition, the Missouri Health Insurance Pool Continues Work to Implement Obamacare in Missouri

Date: October 25, 2011
By: Stacey Kafka
State Capitol Bureau

Just one month after lawmakers stopped an agency from implementing Obama's federal health care plan in Missouri, that same group will meet again-to discuss federal implementation.
RunTime:  0:37
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: One member of the Missouri Health Insurance Pool confirmed that the group will be discussing the federal health care exchange on Thursday.

One month ago lawmakers rushed to an MHIP board meeting to stop a vote that would accept $21 million in federal grants to set up an exchange to implement Obama's federal health care plan in Missouri.

State Senator Rob Schaaf says MHIP has not discussed the exchange with lawmakers and does not have the authority to accept these grants.

Actuality:  SCHAAF2.WAV
Run Time:  00:04
Description: "It is beyond their scope, and they should not be doing it."

The board of directors will meet Thursday.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Stacey Kafka.

One month after senators stopped an agency from accepting grants to implement Obama's federal health care plan into the state, the agency plans to meet this week to again discuss federal health care implementation.
RunTime:  0:45
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: On the agenda for the Missouri Health Insurance Pool's monthly board meeting is health care implementation.

This agency's last board meeting caused controversy in the Senate, as lawmakers discovered this group would vote to accept $21 million in federal grants to implement Obama's federal health care plan in Missouri.

Senator Rob Schaaf says he thinks the Senate would stop any exchange from taking place.

Actuality:  SCHAAF3.WAV
Run Time:  00:15
Description: "I think it would be a terrible mistake for them to take money and expend it with the intent of creating an exchange, knowing full well that there's probably enough will in the Senate to block any legislation that would back the exchange."

The MHIP board will meet Thursday in Jefferson City.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Stacey Kafka.