Matt Kalish
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Matt Kalish

Matt Kalish

Matt Kalish is a senior student at the University of Missouri School Of Journalism who'll be serving as an MPA Fellow during the 2015 legislative session. This will be Matt's third semester working for MDN.

He also has covered national politics and previously served as the Washington correspondent for The Spokesman-Review, one of the largest newspapers in the Pacific Northwest. Matt is also a producer for KOMU 8 News  in Columbia and works for KBIA, mid-Missouri's NPR affiliate, on the Access Missouri project. He'll later join KWCH in Wichita, Kansas as a producer starting June 1.

In his spare time you probably will find Matt playing with his dog, a year-old Labrador Retriever.


Stories by Matt Kalish in 2015 include:
Stories by Matt Kalish in 2014 include:
Matt Kalish's Tweets @MDNnews in 2015

Matt Kalish's Tweets @MDNnews in 2014

  • 05/15/2014: Gun bill hits roadblock in Senate in final days of session
  • 05/15/2014: General Assembly votes to phase out Common Core Standards
  • 05/15/2014: The Missouri Senate refused to take up a bill nullifying federal gun regulations over disagreements with House.
  • 05/15/2014: A bill nullfying federal gun laws died in the Missouri Senate after its handler withdrew support
  • 05/15/2014: A bill prohibiting Missouri from implementing Common Core Standards passes, heads to Nixon
  • 05/16/2014: MO House passes bill allowing teachers to carry firearms in class rooms, bans municipalities from banning CC Matt_Kalish
  • 05/16/2014: Ballot measure on electric survellience goes to ballot, would ban unreasonable search and seizure of data
  • 05/16/2014: Voters will get chance to amend the Missouri Constitution prohibiting unreasonable electronic surveillance
  • 05/16/2014: Lawmakers have reached a deal on a bill nullifying federal gun laws, it's expected to pass before 6pm #moleg matt_kalish
  • 05/16/2014: Deal reached on gun bill, passage expected.
  • 05/16/2014: NEW: Senate leadership coy on future of gun bill, did not comment on likelihood of passage before 6pm.
  • 10/27/2014: Same-sex couples now covered by state retirement program
  • 10/27/2014: Same-sex couples now covered by state retirement system