A new hands-on approach offered to stop unaccredited school districts
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A new hands-on approach offered to stop unaccredited school districts

Date: February 18, 2014
By: Arianna Poindexter
State Capitol Bureau

Missouri Education Department offered a new hands-on plan for avoiding loss of becoming unaccredited.
RunTime:  0:35
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: A new Missouri School Improvement plan seeks to help enhance and turn around schools before they reach the status of unaccredited.

Missouri Education Commissioner, Chris Nicastro, says the plan approaches school improvement in a systematic and comprehensive way.

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Run Time:  00:08
Description: "The basic concept is that the higher the performance of a school district, the less support and intervention they need from the department."

The Education Department will take comments and feedback on the new proposal and will bring a final plan to the board at its next meeting.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Arianna Poindexter.

Staff of the Education Department unveiled a plan to avoid loss of accreditation in Missouri school districts.  
RunTime:  0:43
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: The Missouri State Board of Education spent an hour talking about a new plan to prevent loss of becoming unaccredited in schools.

The education department presented a draft of a state plan for classification, support, and intervention for its schools Tuesday at a board meeting.

Commissioner of Education, Chris Nicastro says they want to intervene sooner than later.

Actuality:  CREDIT3.WAV
Run Time:  00:06
Description: "The idea is to help school districts improve and turn around before they get to that status."

The improvement plan consists of a set of guidelines that will help classify the status of the school and implement department and district actions when necessary.

No final action to the new plan was taken.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Arianna Poindexter.