Missouri residents want the Attorney General not to appeal gay marriage ruling.
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Missouri residents want the Attorney General not to appeal gay marriage ruling.

Date: November 12, 2014
By: Katie Hynes
State Capitol Bureau

The Attorney General received a petition from Missouri citizens asking him not to appeal the ruling on Missouri's same-sex marriage ban.
RunTime:  0:48
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: In a statement Attorney General Chris Koster announced he is appealing the court rulings that declared Missouri's same sex marriage ban unconstitutional.  

The online petition was sponsored by PROMO, a statewide organization that advocates for equality for all Missourians.

PROMO Communications Organizer Katie Stuckenschneider said the organization hand delivered the copies to the Attorney General's Office in St. Louis.   

Actuality:  PROMO1.WAV
Run Time:  00:08
Description: "3,000 that we printed out and brought over there along with clergy leaders as well as couples, and coalition members from Show Me Marriage."

Stuckenschneider said the goal of the petition is for Missouri to no longer have a marriage ban.

More than three-thousand Missouri residents signed the petition.

There was no immediate response from the Attorney General's office.  

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Katie Hynes.

One Missouri equality organization has asked citizens across the state to fill out an online petition against the Attorney General.
RunTime:  0:45
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: The petition was sponsored by PROMO, a statewide organization that promotes equality for all Missourians.

It was created in response to Attorney General Chris Kostner's announcement to appeal the courts rulings that declared Missouri's ban on gay marriage unconstitutional.

PROMO Communications Organizer Katie Stuckenschneider says the group delivered more than three-thousand copies over to his St. Louis office.

Actuality:  PROMO2.WAV
Run Time:  00:14
Description: "With this we're looking for the marriage band, period, to be gone. And so the ultimate goal with the federal decision is for him not to appeal. And if he doesn't appeal, then it will put an end to the ban once and for all."

There was no immediate response from the Attorney General's office.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Katie Hynes.