Missouri's social services department does not respond for comment on Syrian refugees
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Missouri's social services department does not respond for comment on Syrian refugees

Date: November 17, 2015
By: Nicole Shaddy
State Capitol Bureau

For the second day in a row, members of Governor Nixon's administration did not respond for comment on their plan of action for the relocation and assistance of Syrian refugees.
RunTime:  0:41
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Both Governor Jay Nixon's office and the Missouri Department of Social Services did not respond to questions about Missouri's plans for the possibility of Syrian refugees coming to the state.

The lack of response comes after several politicians including Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder called on the governor to halt the relocation of these refugees to the state until the government comes up with a security plan.

The governor issued a two-sentence statement on Monday saying refugee screening is under federal jurisdiction, but his communication staff did not respond to an email asking for comment.

Social services also did not respond for comment about whether or not it has a plan for refugee assistance.