* HCS HB 1327
Sponsor: Davis, Cynthia
Status: S Judiciary
Description: Create a crime of coercing an abortion. Impose requirements on information that must be provided to a woman prior to an abortion including descriptions of the fetus and the opportunity for an ultrasound. Require abortions of minors under age 18 be reported to prosecutors.
  • House roll call - HCS HB 1327 (03/30/2010): 3rd reading of a bill to impose further restrictions before an abortion can be performed and to require a doctor report to the local prosecutor when a minor seeks an abortion.
  • House roll call - HCS HB 1327 (03/22/2010): Perfection of a bill to impose additional requirements on abortions and require abortions on minors be reported to local prosecutors.
  • The Fiscal Note(s)
  • Official legislative description and status

  • Note: The descriptions of bills, amendments and roll-call votes are written by MDN journalists. MDN's database may not include committee assignments of bills made on the last day of the session since it is too late for the committee to act on the bill and, thus, the delayed assignment has no practical effect.