* HCS SS SB 26
Sponsor: Kraus, Will
Status: Back to S
Description: Impose a flat 5 percent rate for the state income tax on all but the lowest income Missourians. Provide an income tax deduction for business income. Cut the corporate income tax rate. Legislative staff estimate that by the 2016 budget year, the bill could cost the state between $243 million and $430 million in lost revenue for the state. Some of the provisions are contained in HB 253 that was passed by the legislature.
  • House roll call - HCS SS SB 26 (04/24/2013): 3rd reading of a package of tax cuts that legislative staff estimate could cost the state's budget more than $400 million per year.
  • Senate roll call - SS SB 26 (03/12/2013): 3rd reading of a bill to cut the income and corporate taxes and raise the sales tax at a net loss of state revenue, acorrding to legislative staff, of at least $240 million per year.
  • The Fiscal Note(s)
  • Official legislative description and status

  • Note: The descriptions of bills, amendments and roll-call votes are written by MDN journalists. MDN's database may not include committee assignments of bills made on the last day of the session since it is too late for the committee to act on the bill and, thus, the delayed assignment has no practical effect.