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2008 Bill(s)

HB 1612
Sponsor: Bowman, John
Status: H Job Creation
Description: Establish a commission on redevelopment of urban areas. The day after he introduced this bill in early January, Bowman pleaded guilty to federal fraud charges involving a bank-fraud credit card scheme. He said he would resign his legislative seat by the end of January. Assigned to committee on the closing weeks of the session.
See: Official legislative description and status

HB 1613
Sponsor: Bowman, John
Status: H Job Creation
Description: Require legislative approval for the state to agree to a trade agreement. Create a state commission on global trade. The day after he introduced this bill in early January, Bowman pleaded guilty to federal fraud charges involving a bank-fraud credit card scheme. He said he would resign his legislative seat by the end of January. Assigned to committee on the closing weeks of the session.
See: Official legislative description and status

HB 1614
Sponsor: Bowman, John
Status: H Crime Prevention
Description: Impose a moratorium on the death penalty. Create a commission to study the death sentence. The day after he introduced this bill in early January, Bowman pleaded guilty to federal fraud charges involving a bank-fraud credit card scheme. He said he would resign his legislative seat by the end of January. Assigned to committee on the closing weeks of the session.
See: Official legislative description and status

HB 1615
Sponsor: Bowman, John
Status: H Health Care Policy
Description: Establish a pilot project to provide free screenings for prostate cancer for lower income men. The day after he introduced this bill in early January, Bowman pleaded guilty to federal fraud charges involving a bank-fraud credit card scheme. He said he would resign his legislative seat by the end of January. Assigned to committee on the closing weeks of the session.
See: Official legislative description and status

HB 1821
Sponsor: Bowman, John
Status: H Elections
Description: Require voting systems produce paper records. The bill was filed by Bowman just one week before his scheduled resignation after pleading guilty to a federal charge involving credit card fraud. Assigned to committee on the closing weeks of the session.
See: Official legislative description and status

HB 1822
Sponsor: Bowman, John
Status: H Elections
Description: Allow registration at one-stop voting sites were a person can register and vote, by absentee ballot, at the same place. The bill was filed by Bowman just one week before his scheduled resignation after pleading guilty to a federal charge involving credit card fraud. Assigned to committee on the closing weeks of the session.
See: Official legislative description and status

HB 1897
Sponsor: Bowman, John
Status: H Tourism
Description: Allow the Board of Public Buildings to sell bonds for a Martin Luther King memorial. The bill was filed by Bowman less than one week before his scheduled resignation after pleading guilty to a federal charge involving credit card fraud. The bill was assigned to committee at the tail end of the legislative session.
See: Official legislative description and status

HB 1939
Sponsor: Bowman, John
Status: H Workforce Development
Description: Establish minimum salary requirements for employees working for a company on a government contract. The bill was filed by Bowman on the last day before his scheduled resignation after pleading guilty to a federal charge involving credit card fraud. The bill was assigned to committee at the tail end of the legislative session.
See: Official legislative description and status

Note: The descriptions of bills, amendments and roll-call votes are written by MDN journalists. MDN's database may not include committee assignments of bills made on the last day of the session since it is too late for the committee to act on the bill and, thus, the delayed assignment has no practical effect.