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Lottery for Life?

December 2, 1996
By: Elizabeth McKinley
State Capital Bureau

The state Department of Health is holding a lottery to decide which Missourians with AIDS will get state funding for treatment... but there's more money than applicants. Elizabeth McKinley reports from Jefferson City

OutCue: SOC

The Missouri Health Department could fund 132 Missourians with AIDS up to 10-thousand dollars per year. On Friday, the department will choose which Missourians will get the money for medical expenses. But so far, there's more money to be granted than there are people who want it.

Nanci Gonder is the department's spokeswoman.

OutCue: "under the program."
Contents: Protocol requires the department have a random drawing, but if there are fewer applicants than openings, than all of those people would be funded.

Applicants apply by regions of the state, and one area -- Southwest Missouri -- has just one more applicant than funding for that area of the state. But Gonder says the department will re-access funds in 90 days... so it's likely everyone will get funding.

From the State Capitol, I'm Elizabeth McKinley