By: Nishi Gupta
State Capital Bureau
The Missouri House voted to stop spam in its tracks.
From Jefferson City, Nishi Gupta reports.
The proposal is sponsored by Warrensburg representative David Pearce. He says the bill will protect recipients from receiving junk e-mail after they've registered with the attorney general. If a web site operator continued to deliver the spam, they could be fined five thousand dollars per violation and up to twenty five thousand dollars a day.
But others say the bill is watered down because of exemptions given to certain industries such as medical professionals, banks, and realtors. The bill faces one more vote in the house before going to the senate.
From the state capitol, Nishi Gupta, KMOX.
Nishi Gupta reports.
The proposal creates a no-send list for consumers who register their e-mail address with the attorney general.
If web-site operators send spam to those consumers, they could be fined five thousand dollars for each violation and up to twenty five thousand dollars a day.
Warrensburg representative David Pearce, sponsor of the bill, says junk e-mail can be a burden and something needs to be done about it.
Some legislators say they will stand behind the proposal, but they say exceptions within the bill weaken its validity.
The bill must receive one more approval in the house before going to the senate.
In Jefferson City, I'm Nishi Gupta for Missouri Capitol Caucus.