Intro: |
Missouri's House approves a resolution protesting the federal health care mandates. |
Runtime: | 0:46 |
OutCue: | SOC |
Wrap: A bill giving businesses the choice to provide abortion coverage and contraceptives based on their morals sparked debate among representatives.
The senate delayed voting on the bill, but the House passed a resolution declaring their opposition.
Democratic Representative Mary Nichols of St. Louis says giving employers a choice is not fair to women.
Actuality: | NICHOLS.WAV |
Run Time: | 00:15 |
Description: "Who suffers the negative physical effects from too many pregnancies? Who suffers economically from too many mouths to feed but not enough money to go around-- women do. Denying access to the basic needs constitutes sex discrimination." |
Several Representatives disagree, saying women can still get birth control, but religious institutions cannot change their beliefs.
Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Joe Chiodo
Intro: |
Medical coverage of birth control under Obama's contraception mandate is sparking debate among Missouri representatives. |
RunTime: | 0:45 |
OutCue: | SOC |
Wrap: The house says it is unsupportiv of giving employers the choice to supply their employees with contraceptive coverage based on moral beliefs.
Representatives passed a resolution declaring their opposition to the bill which the senate delayed to vote.
Some representatives say the bill is a form of sex discrimination, but Republican Representative Jeff Grismore of Jackson, disagrees.
Actuality: | GRIS2.WAV |
Run Time: | 00:14 |
Description: "It is not discrimination against women and their access to contraceptives--they have that. but let's not let the administration work their way into the clinics, and the bedrooms of religiously affiliated institutions." |
Grismore says requiring such institutions to provide coverage goes against freedom of religion.
Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Joe Chiodo.
Intro: |
The Missouri house of representatives is unsupported of a bill the senate has yet to vote on regarding Obama's contraceptive mandate. |
RunTime: | 0:40 |
OutCue: | SOC |
Wrap: Making contraceptive coverage the choice of an employer based on their morals is causing debate among representatives.
While the senate delayed vote on the bill, the house passed a resolution declaring opposition--but not without debate.
Democratic representative Tishaura Jones says the bill is wrong because birth control is not just a contraceptive.
Actuality: | JONES.WAV |
Run Time: | 00:11 |
Description: "I take birth control pills because I have cysts. My birth control pills control the pain for those cysts. And it makes no sense. It's despicable and it's wrong." |
Several other representatives disagree saying it goes against the employer's freedom of religion.
Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Joe Chiodo.