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March 1999 Stories
Newspaper Story - By executive order Gov. Carnahan signed part of the Family Care Safety Act.
Newspaper Story - After it was learned that the U.S. Attorney's office, in Missouri, was using its business line to direct efforts against the concealed weapons ammendment to be voted on in Missouri on April 5th
Newspaper Story - Urban Democratic legislators met to denounce the NRA's heavy spending in the Proposition B campaign.
Newspaper Story - Senator Kit Bond sent a letter to US Attorney General Janet REno requesting an investigation into Missouri's US Attorneys' use of federal funds to campaign against Prop B.
Radio Story - Eight Missouri legislators met at the Police Chief's Association in order to express concern regarding the financing of the pro-Propisiton B campaign
Newspaper Story - Out-of-state funds dominate campaign contributions for the concealed weapons ballot issue.
Radio Story - Representative Ron Auer proposed a House-approved bill to the Senate that would make the transportation sales tax in the St. Louis metro area permanent.
Radio Story - A petition is circulated among senators to revive debate on partial birth abortion ban.
Radio Story - Missourians Against Crime raised more than 2 million dollars; Safe Schools and Workplaces came up with $750,000.
Newspaper Story - A bill banning partial-birth abortion defeated by Public Health and Welfare Committee
Newspaper Story - Missourians will decide on the April 6 ballot whether to compel cell-phone users to pay extra for 911 emergency services.
Radio Story - Missouri's Senate rejects a proposal to prohibit social promotion in schools.
Newspaper Story - A bill proposed would eliminate the age requirment for foster grandparents to receive financial assistance from the state.
Newspaper Story - Since there are not enough foster homes in Missouri, or Boone County, various efforts have been made to recruit more parents.
News summary for the week of Mar. 22, 1999.
Newspaper Story - Law banning "simulated oral copulation" considered by Supreme Court
Newspaper Story - Missouri's two US Attorneys have used taxpayer money to campaign against prop B. Justice Department declines detailed comment.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's two US attorneys are using Department of Justice facilities to lobby against Proposition B, the concealed weapons proposal.
Radio Story - House Majority Leader Wayne Crump proposes doing away with funding for the governor's security force to send the governor a message about the right to carry concealed weapons.
Radio Story - Lobbyists for car dealers and manufacturers are working the state capital this week to swing opinions in their favor.
Newspaper Story - Rep. Gracia Backer announced her bid for lieutenant governor
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers may pick apples this session - as the state's official fruit.
Radio Story - Missouri's major welfare-rights organization calls for a tax cut for the working poor.
News summary for the week of Mar. 8, 1999.
Newspaper Story - About a bill that wants to revoke automatically a license of a phisician who has participated in an assisted suicide.
Newspaper Story - Missouri drivers would be keeping their licenses longer under a plan passed Thursday by the House Motor Vehicle Committee.
Newspaper Story - A committee passed the bill to include the UM system under the open meetings law, yet since it is late in the session, it will probably not be heard on the House floor.
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers are trying to bring the total number of specialized license plates up to 77.
Newspaper Story - Some lawmakers want to require the federal government to get legislature approval before purchasing land in Missouri.
Newspaper Story - The statehouse cafeteria -known as the Hawthorn Room - has been closed because of health risks.
Radio Story - The proposed 1-W1 runway expansion at Lambert Field was viewed by a house committee in terms of its zoning
3/ 9/1999:
Radio Story - The Joint Committee on Transportation will decide Wednesday whether to accept a trasnportation plan that would extend the 15 year plan to 20 years.
3/ 9/1999:
Newspaper Story - The new tax could charge cell telephone users to improve the wireless 911 emergency system if passed in April's Ballot
3/ 9/1999:
Newspaper Story - Law enforcement has been using a federal statute to keep money for themselves the state constitution says should go to education.
3/ 9/1999:
Radio Story - Broadcast legend Walter Cronkite talked with journalists at Missouri's state Capitol on Tuesday.
3/ 9/1999:
Newspaper Story - The House sponsor of collective bargaining for government workers conceeds his bill is dead.
3/ 9/1999:
Radio Story - The Missouri House defeats a plan to give more power to unions representing government workers.
3/ 9/1999:
Newspaper Story - A proposed sales tax increase to finance highway construction is expected to be reviewed by the legislature's joint committee on transportation Wednesday afternoon.
3/ 8/1999:
Newspaper Story - Walter Cronkite, the distinguished CBS newsman, was inducted into the "Hall of Famous Missourians" on Monday evening.
3/ 5/1999:
News summary for the week of Mar. 1, 1999.
3/ 5/1999:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's secretary of state announces she won't run for relection, the House speaker promptly announces his candidacy.
3/ 4/1999:
Newspaper Story - Missouri Farm Bureau members rallied at the Capitol for relief - and for rural issues
3/ 3/1999:
Newspaper Story - A bill to provide a toll-free phone line for background checks on child and elderly care providers passed in the Missouri House.
3/ 3/1999:
Newspaper Story - In the face of approaching term limits, the Senae approved a plan Wednesday that would fatten lawmakers' retirement funds.
3/ 3/1999:
Newspaper Story - Legislature moving toward repealing law that required Department of Health to notify landlords three days in advance of inspection.
3/ 3/1999:
Radio Story - Several female legislative interns say Monica Lewinsky gave interns a bad reputation.
3/ 3/1999:
Radio Story - A bill banning partial birth abortions was approved by the House.
3/ 3/1999:
Radio Story - Lawmaker would like to give Missouri voters opportunity to repeal existing six-cent gas tax and replace it with new six-cent gas tax devoted to highway repair.
3/ 3/1999:
Newspaper Story - Sean McGinnis, Mary James and Connie Silverstein got apporval from the Gubernatorial Appointment Commitee today.
3/ 3/1999:
Newspaper Story - The House approves a ban on partial-birth abortions similar to what the governor vetoed two years earlier.
3/ 2/1999:
Newspaper Story - While most Americans may be tired of hearing about sex, the Missouri legislature just can't seem to get enough of it. Two lawmakers have proposed standards for sex education in recent weeks.
3/ 2/1999:
Radio Story - A Senate committee passed a bill unanimously that would prohibit anyone, except journalists, to have access to people's driver's license pictures.
3/ 2/1999:
Newspaper Story - The Senate Transportation Committee has voted to make the driver license's photo a confidential record.
3/ 2/1999:
Newspaper Story - Anti-abortions lawmakers express more confidence about their chances with the new approach of "infanticide" to the partial-birth abortion ban.
3/ 2/1999:
Radio Story - A House bill would allow parents to find out background information such as criminal records on childcare providers.
3/ 2/1999:
Newspaper Story - Ballots for the April election are usually printed by this time. A court battle over the wording of the concealed weapons proposition leaves county clerks and voters hanging in the balance.
3/ 2/1999:
Radio Story - Representative Matt Blunt of Southwest Missouri says he might run for Secretary of State.
3/ 1/1999:
Newspaper Story - Two bills proposed to eliminate liability from state computers due to the Y2K problem.
3/ 1/1999:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Lieutenant Governor, Roger Wilson, announced on Monday that he will not seek re-election as the state's lieutenant governor. Wilson cited excessive government and the overall negative effects of campaigning as his reasons.
3/ 1/1999:
Newspaper Story - Legislation to register child-care workers ran into GOP resistance in Missouri's House.
3/ 1/1999:
Radio Story - Lieutenant Governor Roger Wilson announced he will not seek reelection.
3/ 1/1999:
Radio Story - Roger Wilson says he is getting out of politics.
3/ 1/1999:
Radio Story - Sen. Joe Maxwell announced his candidancy for democratic nominee.
3/ 1/1999:
Newspaper Story - Union attempts to lower the cost estimate for bear little fruit.
Newspaper Story - Off-brand tobacco companies would haveto put up money to state government to sell cigarettes in Missouri under legislation approved Tuesday by the Senate General Laws Committee.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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