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October 2000 Stories
Newspaper Story - Profiles on the two major party candidates for Missouri's Secretary of State.
Newspaper Story - In a little-known constitutional amendment before Missouri voters, the legislature would take back some of the power from a state commission that sets the salaries and expenses of elected officials.
Newspaper Story - One day after Jean Carnahan's dramatic announcement, campaign aides for the Democratic campaign for the U.S. Senate say they still are unsure how to proceed in the last week of the campaign.
Radio Story - While some Republicans charge that absentee ballots cast for Mel Carnahan in the past two weeks are blind votes, Democrats see it differently.
Newspaper Story - The GOP touted John Ashcroft as the more experienced candidate Monday after Jean Carnahan announced she would accept a U.S. Senate appointment.
News summary for the week of October 23, 2000
Radio Story - The state's top Republican and a Republican Congressional candidate tout Ashcroft's experience as governor and senator.
Radio Story - Republicans say the Constitution stands in the way of Mel Carnahan getting elected to the US Senate. Therefore, they say, Jean Carnahan cannot take the place of her husband if he is no longer qualified to be a candidate. The secretary of state and attorney general disagree strongly.
Newspaper Story - Republican Sam Jones' goal is not simply to win the race for attorney general. It's to beat incumbent Jay Nixon.
Newspaper Story - With the election only days away a battle is being waged by secretary of state candidates Steve Gaw and Matt Blunt. Each candidate is questioning the integrity of the other.
Newspaper Story - Profiles on the candidates for Missouri state treasurer
Newspaper Story - Jean Carnahan said she will announce whether she will accept a proffered U.S. Senate seat Monday.
Newspaper Story - More than 560 self-described Missourians have offered to sell their November presidential vote to the highest bidder -- using a foreign-based WWW service that seeks to skirt laws making vote-selling illegal.
Newspaper Story - A constitutional amendment on the November ballot would consolidate the state's savings accounts and make it harder to access.
Radio Story - Missourians contribute to the Children's Trust Fund in memory of the late governor.
Radio Story - An Austrian based web site accused of selling votes includes Missouri voters.
Newspaper Story - In an ironic twist, the backers of tax-supported political campaign initiative Proposition B have been hit with a lawsuit charging campaign finance violations.
Radio Story - The commitee appointed by Attorney General Jay Nixon had their first meeting in Jefferson City.
Newspaper Story - Political experts say Gov. Roger Wilson's announcement that he would appoint Jean Carnahan to the U.S. Senate could send more Missouri women and independent voters to the polls, tipping the tight presidential, senatorial and statewide races to the Democrats.
Newspaper Story - Profile of the campaign managers for Missouri's gubernatorial candidates
Newspaper Story - Sen. John Ashcroft unpacked food at a Jefferson City food pantry for as long as the TV cameras rolled -- about 12 minutes.
Newspaper Story - Republicans decried as illegal and unfair Gov. Roger Wilson's announcement that he would appoint Jean Carnahan to the U.S. Senate.
Radio Story - Governor Roger Wilson plans to appoint Jean Carnahan to the U.S. Senate should Mel receive a majority of the votes in the upcoming election.
Newspaper Story - Although Missouri's first lady has never held government office, Jean Carnahan is no stranger to political leadership.
Radio Story - The Missouri Department of Conservation along with Missouri Insurance Information Services join to inform the motorists of the state.
Newspaper Story - Amid swelling support for Jean Carnahan to replace her husband in the race for U.S. Senate, Gov. Roger Wilson has called a news conference for Tuesday morning "to discuss matters involving" the Senate race.
News summary for the week of October 16, 2000
Radio Story - After a weekend of grieving and memorials, many state employees came back to work Monday. Some did not.
Radio Story - Top Democrats are calling on Jean Carnahan to continue her late husband's campaign for the U.S. Senate.
Newspaper Story - This past week Democrats have vowed to, "not let the fire go out." And Gov. Wilson has been getting unexpected, but extremely qualified help this past week.
Newspaper Story - Remembrance speeches at Carnahan's memorial service laced with political undertones.
Newspaper Story - Highlights of Friday's memorial service for Gov. Mel Carnahan.
Newspaper Story - Thousands of Missourians and nationally known politicians, including President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore, attended Gov. Mel Carnahan's memorial service Friday.
Radio Story - Ten thousand gather on Capitol lawn to mourn Gov. Mel Carnahan.
Radio Story - Republicans and Democrats, national and local leaders all joined with over ten thousand Missourians to share their admiration for Mel Carnahan.
Newspaper Story - Thousands of Missourians braved long lines and unusual heat to briefly walk by Gov. Mel Carnahan's flag-draped casket.
Radio Story - Blacks were among those saying farwell to Missouri's fallen governor.
Radio Story - Since Missouri voted to allow gambling on the river tax revenue for schools has increased over a billion dollars.
Newspaper Story - A memorial service will be held Friday for Gov. Mel Carnahan at a capitol where he spent almost two decades of his adult life.
Newspaper Story - In a solemn ceremony and surrounded by family, friends and officials, Columbia's Roger B. Wilson was sworn in early Wednesday as Missouri's 52nd governor.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Roger Wilson is slowly moving into the governor's office.
Newspaper Story - While the state mourns the death of Gov. Mel Carnahan, many in the state Capitol also grieve for Chris Sifford.
Newspaper Story - Memorial services for longtime Carnahan aide, Chris Sifford, will be held this weekend in Puxico, Mo.
Radio Story - Two days after Governor Mel Carnahan's death, Democrats have not made any decisions on a possible appointment to the Senate.
Newspaper Story - While the state mourns the death of Gov. Mel Carnahan, politics takes a backseat.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Mel Carnahan's legacy secure through his education record.
Newspaper Story - Lieutenant Gov. Roger Wilson will assume the title of governor -- a position he has not coveted.
Newspaper Story - Just hours after a plane carrying Gov. Mel Carnahan, his son Roger, and senior campaign staffer Chris Sifford, mourners congregated outside the governor's mansion.
Radio Story - Republican or democrat, Missourians felt the loss of Governor Mel Carnahan across party lines. At the third Presidential Debates, candidates Gore and Bush paid tribute to Carnahan. While Vice President Gore highlighted some of Carnahan's accomplishments, Texas Governor Bush kept his remarks simple.
Newspaper Story - Lieutenant Governor Roger Wilson was appointed acting governor after a plane believed to be carrying Gov. Mel Carnahan crashed.
Newspaper Story - The tragic plane crash that claimed the life of Missouri's governor and two others almost claimed the life of a journalist covering the governor's campaign.
Newspaper Story - The terrain where Mel Carnahan's plane crashed is some of the roughest in Missouri.
Newspaper Story - Campaigns across the state came to an abrupt halt today in honor of the late Gov. Mel Carnahan, his son Roger "Randy" Carnahan and former chief of staff Chris Sifford.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Mel Carnahan and Sen. John Ashcroft debated for the second time Sunday.
Newspaper Story - Through his more aggressive style, Gov. Mel Carnahan controlled much of the content of the second debate in Missouri's Senate race.
Radio Story - The U.S. Fisheries and Wildlife Department has designed a plan to change the flow of the Missouri River in order to help three species of animals survive. However, the Missouri Natural Resources Department was not consulted.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's major candidates for governor each reported still having more than $2 million to spend.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's farmers have a stake in the outcome of Proposition A on the Nov. 7 ballot, a measure that would infringe on their property rights.
News summary for the week of October 9, 2000
Newspaper Story - Missouri's $6.7 billion tobacco settlement money isn't discussed much on the campaign trail, but when pressed many candidates for state offices have big ideas.
Newspaper Story - The campaign to restrict billboards launches a series of news conferences attacking their opponents' TV ads.
Newspaper Story - Ninety-year-old New Hampshire native Doris "Granny D" Haddock stopped by the capitol Wednesday to voice her support for Proposition B on the November ballot.
Newspaper Story - Details of Proposition B on the November Ballot to provide tax funds to political candidates.
Newspaper Story - Background on how various states have addressed government funding of campaigns that Missourians will see on the November ballot.
Radio Story - Underage drinking arrests are increasing in Missouri
Radio Story - While Carnahan and Ashcroft each take credit for improving crime, state officers say it's a campaign issue that's just not political.
Newspaper Story - The Democratic candidate for Missouri governor links his opponent to Newt Gingrich in their second debate.
Newspaper Story - Missouri police and prosecutors praised Carnahan's record on meth but said some changes in the law were needed.
10/ 6/2000:
Radio Story - Nancy Farmer says she thinks Republican Todd Graves has people videotaping her everywhere she goes.
10/ 6/2000:
News summary for the week of October 2, 2000
10/ 5/2000:
Radio Story - Democrat Nancy Farmer says she believes that her Republican rival Todd Graves has people stalking her.
10/ 5/2000:
Newspaper Story - Democratic candidate for state treasurer Nancy Farmer posted a stalker alert on her webpage, claiming that her opponent has been videotaping her going to and from campaign events.
10/ 5/2000:
Newspaper Story - Missouri parents would have more investment options for their childrens' college education under plans being developed by Missouri's state treasurer as well as candidates for the job.
10/ 5/2000:
Newspaper Story - The educational background of Missouri's gubernatorial candidates reflect the differences in their education policies.
10/ 4/2000:
Radio Story - MoDOT has spent over a year studying proposals to make I-70 more user-friendly. Planners have elected to study widening the highway rather than building a new I-70.
10/ 4/2000:
Radio Story - Missouri's Department of Transportation has a plan for the expansion of Interstate 70, but they don't have any funding for it.
10/ 4/2000:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Transportation Department recommended a $2.5 to $3 billion plan to widen I-70, but currently has no funding for the project.
10/ 4/2000:
Radio Story - Not everyone is enthusiastic about MoDot's proposal for I-70
10/ 3/2000:
Radio Story - In 1998 both the state and national average of student loan default decreased.
10/ 2/2000:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's billboard industry is fighting for its life in this year's election -- if Proposition A passes, construction of new billboards in Missouri will be banned.
10/ 2/2000:
Radio Story - Third Party Senate Candidate Hugh Foley doesn't think there is enough coverage for all candidates.
10/ 2/2000:
Radio Story - Jim Talent and Bob Holden participated in the first debate in the race for the governor's office.
10/ 2/2000:
Radio Story - Civil War historic marker has a stylized Confederate flag symbol.
10/ 2/2000:
Newspaper Story - A Confederate flag has appeared on a new Civil War marker erected by the Missouri Natural Resources Department
10/ 2/2000:
Newspaper Story - The state Republican party's spokesman resigned Monday more than a week after he compared State Auditor Claire McCaskill to "a cheap hooker."
on state capitol grounds.
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