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2002 Health Stories
Radio Story - The state health department will begin administering smallpox vaccinations to health care workers in January.
12/ 2/2002:
Newspaper Story - The weed killer atrazine "de-sexes" male frogs, but is it doing the same to Missouri men?
Newspaper Story - Following the release of a report on the status of women in Missouri, some legislators say progress is needed. But that would require funding, which is hard to come by in the current budget crunch.
11/ 8/2002:
Newspaper Story - Some proponents of the Proposition A tobacco tax increase said its failure at the polls was thanks to Missouri Right to Life.
11/ 5/2002:
Newspaper Story - A proposition to raise state cigarette taxes by 55 cents a pack was narrowly defeated by Missouri voters.
11/ 1/2002:
Newspaper Story - The Kansas City and St. Louis business groups and the state's hospitals behind the tobacco tax all stand to gain from its passage
Newspaper Story - A proposed hike in Missouri's tobacco tax would net at least $20 million for several of Columbia's largest employers
Radio Story - Health officials unveil a new information system to prepare for future attacks and disasters.
10/ 8/2002:
Newspaper Story - Communication topped the list of priorities at the first meeting of the Missouri Security Council.
10/ 4/2002:
Newspaper Story - The proposed 55 cent per pack hike in the cigarette tax could generate a third of a billion in new revenue, but most would be earmarked for new spending.
10/ 3/2002:
Radio Story - The Governor's Mansion will be lit pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month.
10/ 3/2002:
Radio Story - The Governor's Mansion was lit pink as part of a campaign to raise breast cancer awareness.
10/ 1/2002:
Radio Story - New Medicaid rules cost state $3.5 million this fiscal year.
Radio Story - CDC released plans to Missouri State Health Department for dealing with bio-terrorism.
Radio Story - Missouri state health department says its reviewing federal plans for implementing small pox vaccines in case of bio-terrorism.
Radio Story - The Central Missouri Food Bank has already exceeded their last year's supply, with their busiest months approaching with the cold weather.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Department of Conservation will test 6,000 deer for chronic wasting disease during this fall's hunt.
Radio Story - Health advocates promote a tobacco tax increase
Radio Story - Holden has no source for the $31 million he promised UMKC.
Radio Story - Blunt will not appeal judge's ruling which allows cigarette tax proposal on the November ballot
Newspaper Story - A Cole County judge ruled a 55 cent hike in the state's cigarette tax should go on this November's ballot.
Newspaper Story - Disabled Medicaid recipients said changes in the Spenddown program will leave them without funds for basic necessities.
9/ 9/2002:
Radio Story - Red Cross sponsors Memorial honoring victims of 9-11.
9/ 6/2002:
Newspaper Story - The Red Cross -- which was accused of misleading donors and depriving victims' families after Sept. 11 -- is sponsoring the Missouri state Capitol's one-year remembrance of victims.
Radio Story - Missouri's department of health is informing the public of symptoms and precautions.
Newspaper Story - The House passed a bill that extends the sunset on the child health care coverage program to July 2007
Radio Story - Sen. John Loudon submitted a resolution denouncing the "Beat me in St. Louis" Convention.
Radio Story - The suicide prevention bill would require the Department of Health and Senior Services to implement a state suicide prevention plan.
Newspaper Story - Mortgaging Missouri's tobacco settlement has emerged as a solution to the state's budget crisis
Newspaper Story - The House on Wednesday debated a bill to strengthen nursing home regulations and rejected amendments limiting access to consumer complaints against the institutions.
4/ 5/2002:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's House Budget Committee reduced the proposed cut to the Mental Health Department from 20 percent to three percent.
4/ 2/2002:
Radio Story - Missourians 65 years or older not receiving Medicaid Coverage can now sign up for prescription assistance from the State. Single Residents must make less than $17,000 a year while married couples must make less than $23,000 a year to be eligible.
Radio Story - The proposed 20% tax increase on tobacco products is heavily debated in a Senate committee hearing.
Radio Story - The Senate has given first round-approval to the "Dram Shop Law," which removes some liability from bartenders.
Radio Story - Lawmakers propose legislation to force health insurance to cover weight-loss programs.,
Newspaper Story - Debate to continue on a bill that would require insurance companies to provide health benefit plans to provide more complete mental health coverage.
Radio Story - Cancer Patient discusses how a second opinion saved her life.
Newspaper Story - Around 150 state employees rallied at the Capitol in Jefferson City today demanding their group be recognized by the state as a union.
Radio Story - St. Louis City Senator Harry Kennedy is sponsoring the bill which he says is not designed to burden care providers, but to protect elderly residents.
Newspaper Story - The House gave first-round approval to using $88 million of tobacco settlement money to fix the state budget.
Radio Story - Missouri Lawmakers fight over the difference between carrying a gun in your purse and in your glove compartment.
Radio Story - Senator Loudon says parents should be able to sue someone who helps a minor get around Missouri's parental consent laws for an abortion.
Newspaper Story - Three years after EPA recommended phasing out use of a potential cancer-causing chemical in gasoline, Missouri lawmakers still are debating what to do about it. The chemical is methyl tertiary butyl ether -- or MTBE. It is added to gasoline sold in the St. Louis area as part of the state's plan submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency to address air pollution problems in the St. Louis.
Newspaper Story - JEFFERSON CITY _ Three years after EPA recommended phasing out use of a potential cancer-causing chemical in gasoline, Missouri lawmakers still are debating what to do about it. The chemical is methyl tertiary butyl ether -- or MTBE. It is added to gasoline sold in the St. Louis area as part of the state's plan submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency to address air pollution problems in the St. Louis.
Radio Story - Gov. Holden proposes an amendment that would keep some senior programs.
3/ 7/2002:
Radio Story - Health care groups file a petition to seek signatures to put a 50-55 cent cigarette tax increase on the statewide ballot.
3/ 6/2002:
Newspaper Story - This is a profile of a woman with multiple personalities and how she and would be affected by mental health budget cuts.
3/ 5/2002:
Radio Story - After passing in a House Committee, a bill that requires health insurance companies to provide coverage for children who need hearing aids is going to the House floor.
3/ 4/2002:
Radio Story - A House committee hears testimoney on legislation to phase out a gasoline addictive that critics say is posing a health threat to Missourians.
Newspaper Story - A bill under consideration in the House Criminal Law Committee would make it a felony under Missouri Law to tamper with pharmaceuticals.
Newspaper Story - The Department of Mental Health would face a 15 percent cut from last year's funding under Gov. Bob Holden's proposed budget.
Radio Story - The American Cancer Society urged lawmakers to require insurance cover a second medical opinion for cancer patients.
Radio Story - Some local health officials say legislation exempting non-profits from food inspections is dangerous.
Radio Story - The Missouri House gave first round approval to a ban on sex between Alzheimer's patients and nursing home workers.
Newspaper Story - A Senate committee heard testimony today on a bill that would require a 24-hour waiting period for women seeking abortions.
Radio Story - A House committee heard a bill today that would prohibit discrimination against disabled people who need service animals.
Radio Story - Senator Betty Sims says a Salmonella outbreak at Roberts Steak Buffet in St. Louis county is just an isolated incident.
Radio Story - A Judiciary Committee passed the Family Leave Act, sending it to the House floor for a vote.
Newspaper Story - The House Republican Caucus promoted a package of four bills that make up their "State Employees Bill of Rights" legislation package.
Newspaper Story - Lt. Gov. Maxwell warned lawmakers that unless supplemental funds are approved, there will be no prescription drug program for low-income Missourians.
2/ 5/2002:
Radio Story - Representative Chuck Graham is trying to increase the size of the organ donor pool in Missouri.
2/ 5/2002:
Radio Story - Basic emergency technicians may be able to administer epinepherin, a drug used to combat violent allergic reactions.
2/ 4/2002:
Radio Story - Missouri could adopt a new law that would make it mandatory for health insurance plans to cover mental illnesses.
2/ 4/2002:
Newspaper Story - Several groups voiced support for Rep. Vicky Riback Wilson's mental-parity bill Monday, Feb. 4.
2/ 4/2002:
Newspaper Story - Several groups voiced support for Rep. Vicky Riback Wilson's mental-parity bill Monday, Feb. 4.
Radio Story - Missouri is set to receive $16.9 million in federal funds to improve public health infrastructure and prepare for bioterrorism.
Newspaper Story - One day after President Bush outlined his plans for homeland security, Missouri lawmakers discussed bills covering everything from bioterrorism to price gouging.
Newspaper Story - The Senate debated Sen. Marvin Singleton's, R-Joplin, Patient Choice bill Tuesday. The bill would give patients greater choice in selecting their providers and greater confidence that they could stay with them. The bill was put on the Senate's informal calandar.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Supreme Court upheld the Missouri Department of Health's right to grant public funds to Planned Parenthood.
Radio Story - The Supreme Court heard arguments today in the case of the State of Missouri versus Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri and Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Maureen Dempsey
Newspaper Story - Attorneys argued in front of the Missouri Supreme Court Tuesday over whether Planned Parenthood is eligible to receive family planning funds. The attorney representing the state was hired by Attorney General Jay Nixon. The attorney representing Planned Parenthood was hired by the Health Department.
Newspaper Story - Vicky Riback Wison and Tim Harlan were set on Thursday to file a bill eradicating the disparities between insurance policies for physical and mental health problems.
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