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January 2002 Stories
Radio Story - Missouri is set to receive $16.9 million in federal funds to improve public health infrastructure and prepare for bioterrorism.
Newspaper Story - Higher education officials told a House appropriations committee they wanted to be treated with the same financial kindness that Gov. Bob Holden showed for local public schools.
Newspaper Story - One day after President Bush outlined his plans for homeland security, Missouri lawmakers discussed bills covering everything from bioterrorism to price gouging.
Newspaper Story - Rep. Philip Smith, D-Louisiana, presented his bill to the House higher-education committee today.
Radio Story - A Senate bill being considered may provide additional funding to school districts serving non-native English speaking students.
Newspaper Story - Legislation to cut the speed limit for trucks has been proposed in Missouri's Senate.
Newspaper Story - Removal of statute of limitations on rape, sodomy passes House
Radio Story - Some state lawmakers say they want to require public schools to start the day with a moment of silence so students will have the chance to pray.
Newspaper Story - The Senate debated Sen. Marvin Singleton's, R-Joplin, Patient Choice bill Tuesday. The bill would give patients greater choice in selecting their providers and greater confidence that they could stay with them. The bill was put on the Senate's informal calandar.
Newspaper Story - Economic development tax credits are projected to grow by $55 million this year despite cuts in other state programs
Newspaper Story - With a voice vote, the Missouri House of Representatives approved a bill Monday that removes the 3-year statute of limitations for filing rape charges. The bill will face one more vote in th House before it can move to the Senate.
Radio Story - Yeckel introduces an election reform bill that forces voters to show picture IDs and allows provisional ballots to be cast when voter registration is questioned.
News summary for the week of January 21, 2002
Radio Story - The governor wants lawmakers to expand gaming in the state to fund public education.
Newspaper Story - Almost $50 million in spending cuts -- that is what the University of Missouri might face under the budget plan proposed by Gov. Bob Holden Wednesday.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Bob Holden's address resonates plenty of numbers on how to cut the budget, but contains precious few plans on other issues like transportation.
Newspaper Story - Minutes after Gov. Holden outlined his budget proposal, Republican opposition began taking aim.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Supreme Court upheld the Missouri Department of Health's right to grant public funds to Planned Parenthood.
Newspaper Story - Missouri voters would be faced with nearly $1 billion in tax and fee increases for highways and school buildings under a proposal unveiled Tuesday by house leaders
Newspaper Story - A panel of private business persons assembled by the House GOP leader recommends budget cuts and budget process changes.
Radio Story - abortion-providing clinics can now receive state money again
Radio Story - The Blue Ribbon Panel appointed by Catherine Hanaway announced several budget recommendations.
News summary for the week of January 14, 2002
Newspaper Story - More than 160,000 Missourians will have no representation in Missouri's Senate for two years because of the Senate redistricting plan for the next decade.
Newspaper Story - Senate leaders in Arkansas and Maine say they haven't seen a drop in legislative activity, while some states report high staff turnover and an increase in the number of legislators leaving office before their term expires.
Newspaper Story - MU Students would get a greated voice in future tuition increases and university policy under a proposal to have a voting student member of the Board of Curators.
Radio Story - Carnahan has made her position on Alaskan oil drilling official: she opposes it and supports alternative energies.
Radio Story - Carnahan touted her efforts against meth production Thursday, saying that the war against drugs should not be forgotten.
Newspaper Story - MoPIRG calls on Missouri's freshman U.S. senator, Jean Carnahan, to adopt a pro-environment plank.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Bob Holden has clipped his wings following criticism about his frequent use of state airplanes.
Newspaper Story - The bill allows vehicles to have windshield and front side windows tinted 35 percent and lifts restrictions on tinting of rear windows.
Radio Story - The House passes the first bill of the year that allows tinting of front side vehicle windows, especially for those with severe medical conditions
Radio Story - A coalition of high-powered lobby groups wants state lawmakers to crack down on payday loan companies.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Holden only has $50.66 in his campaign funds when all is said and done, the lowest since the Civil War some say.
Newspaper Story - Harlan and Graham will both run for the same Senate seat in 2004.
Newspaper Story - A St. Louis area lawmaker is proposing an additional fee on gambling boats to boost funding for transportation.
Radio Story - The state's budget direct says it's unlikely the governor will have to make further witholdings in the current fiscal year.
Radio Story - The Supreme Court heard arguments today in the case of the State of Missouri versus Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri and Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Maureen Dempsey
Newspaper Story - The Senate transportation committee heard testimony on a bill that would ban passengers from having open alcohol containers in vehicles.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri budget may not be as bad as people say.
Newspaper Story - Attorneys argued in front of the Missouri Supreme Court Tuesday over whether Planned Parenthood is eligible to receive family planning funds. The attorney representing the state was hired by Attorney General Jay Nixon. The attorney representing Planned Parenthood was hired by the Health Department.
Newspaper Story - Sen. Morris Westfall, R- Halfway, is sponsoring a bill that would raise the motor-fuel tax and the general-sales tax. He did not support Holden's tax-increase proposal last year.
Radio Story - Senator Ted House proposing raising gambling fees to pay for transportation
News summary for the week of January 7, 2002
Newspaper Story - Ahead of the State of the State address later this month, Gov. Holden proposed legislation against price gouging and stricter laws regarding anthrax hoaxes, and called for the construction of a new public health lab to identify bio-terrorist attacks.
Newspaper Story - Vicky Riback Wison and Tim Harlan were set on Thursday to file a bill eradicating the disparities between insurance policies for physical and mental health problems.
1/ 9/2002:
Newspaper Story - Legislators focus on maintaining education funding for the Formula Foundation plan despite budget cuts.
1/ 9/2002:
Newspaper Story - State auditor Claire McCaskill in a news conference following the release of an audit of the Missouri Unemployment Trust Fund said the fund could be insolvent as of next year. The auditor, as well as business groups, say they expect the state legislature to find solutions.
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