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October 2003 Stories
News summary for the week of October 27, 2003
Radio Story - The Missouri Department of Health, with help from the Center for Disease Control, provided additional funding for health agencies around the state to prepare for a potential bioterrorist attack. The funding began last year, and agencies were able to hire new positions to specialize in bioterrorism preparation. The renewed contract provides agencies with close to six million dollars.
Radio Story - The independent blue ribbon panel says the state doesn't have the money to pay for needed improvments any other way.
Radio Story - Missouri has the third worst road conditions and this has ruined MoDOT's credibility
Radio Story - Candidates add to the public's diminished confidence in MoDOT
Newspaper Story - Not all school districts are jumping on the bandwagon to challenge the foundation formula
Newspaper Story - His planned suit aimed at challenging the constitutionality of the state's school funding formula is gaining strength as more than 200 school districts have joined Bartlett for the second round.
Newspaper Story - About 1.4 million Missourians may soon receive their health insurance from the country's newest and largest managed care company.
Newspaper Story - Missouri Social Services Department and regional Community Actions Agencies will work together to help low income households pay their energy bill during the winter. The funds come through the national Low Income Home Energy Assitance Program.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's tax laws have not kept up with its economy. While state businesses are increasingly service-oriented, the tax code remains based on manufacturing industry. The result is a service industry that remains largely untaxed.
Newspaper Story - Boone County school districts are considering joining more than 200 Missouri school districts to challenge state school funding system.
Radio Story - Lawmakers say the death of St. Louis County Administrator Buzz Westfall is a loss for Missouri.
Radio Story - The IRS can't deliver tax refund checks worth $1.2 million to 2500 Missouri taxpayers. The checks are for general refund and child tax credits.
Radio Story - The Public Service Commission is seeking public comment on a proposal by AmerenUE to raise rates by more than $26 million.
Newspaper Story - Missouri state agencies are not involving women and minorities as required by a 1998 executive order, a state auditor report states. Businesses owned by women and minorities are supposed to get a certain share of purchases of goods and services of the state and in public works contracts.
News summary for the week of October 20, 2003
Radio Story - Due to potential budget cuts, Missouri's department of education might have to cut early childhood special education programs. Children with mild speech disorders wouldn't be eligible for programs.
Radio Story - The state law says all public schools must offer time for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Radio Story - The department of education might have to cut some children from their early childhood special education programs.
Radio Story - Almost two-thirds of Missouri voters are still using punch card ballots, despite federal laws that require upgrades.
Radio Story - U.S. Census Bureau reports more Missourians are without health insurance. Some parents are struggling to provide insurance for their children. A Missouri managed care program, MC+ for Kids is trying to help.
Radio Story - Missouri roads are among the worst in the nation and critics charge the problem lies with the misallocation of tax dollars.
Radio Story - Roger Wilson has endorsed Claire McCaskill for the democratic gubernatorial nomination
Newspaper Story - Claire McCaskill announced her candidacy in primary race with hopes to unseat Gov. Bob Holden
Radio Story - Claire McCaskill is running for governor against Holden in next year's primaries. Representative Marsha Campbell is pleased, saying it's about time for a female governor. Senator Harry Kennedy disagrees with McCaskill's decision, saying that it's bad timing.
News summary for the week of October 13, 2003
Newspaper Story - Claire McCaskill will announce Monday her intention to run against Gov. Bob Holden for the democratic gubernatorial nomination
Radio Story - Claire McCaskill will announce whether she is running for governor Monday.
Newspaper Story - Federal statistics may suggest that Missouri has become a less safe place to work. The state reported a 21% rise in fatal work injuries, and ranked ninth nationally for total cases.
Newspaper Story - Matt Blunt delivered a message to the Mo. Chamber of Commerce framing what looks like will be his gubernatorial campaign platform.
Radio Story - Secretary of State Matt Blunt previewed unofficial gubernatorial campaign issues such as transportation problems, job loss and public education funding.
Radio Story - Blunt talked about big campaign issues such as job losses, public education and medical malpractice.
Radio Story - Claire McCaskill is expected to announce her decision whether to run for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination.
Radio Story - The latest candidate is the fourth Republican to enter the race, and he promises to create jobs by investing the state's assets in Missouri.
Radio Story - U.S. Census Bureau reports more Missourians, especially young men, are without health insurance. But the state's industrial base is keeping the number of uninsured Missourians below the national average.
Radio Story - Sen. Bill Foster is not running for re-election. Leaving Sen. Charles Shields as the only remaining republican senator who voted for tax increases to help fund education.
Radio Story - State officials wonder if plaintiffs filed suit in St. Louis due to weak arguments and judge shopping.
Radio Story - Some state officials wonder if the plaintiffs filed suit out of Cole County because of judge shopping.
Newspaper Story - One in 73 Missouri households filed for some kind of bankruptcy protection last year. While some people seek solutions, others look for the reasons why.
Radio Story - Calls have poured in from Missouri citizens since the legislature overrode the governor's veto, allowing citizens the right to conceal and carry. Since the override, sheriffs' deparments have created an application for citizens who want permits. The applications are finally ready.
News summary for the week of October 6, 2003
Radio Story - With the high cost of prescription drugs, some states are looking to Canada for cheaper prices. But, some in the health field voice concerns.
Radio Story - Some states are developing plans to help citizens save money on prescription drugs.
10/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - As of Saturday, anyone over the age of 21 with a legal handgun can carry it -- fully loaded -- inside their car.
10/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - The American Bankruptcy Institute says Missouri rose to the top of bankruptcy rates in the nation this year.
10/ 8/2003:
Newspaper Story - A planned lawsuit against the state's system for financing local schools is dividing Missouri's school districts.
10/ 8/2003:
Newspaper Story - Missouri is receiving federal funds to help reverse the trend of overweight children. The USDA will give Missouri's Health Department $200,000 to promote healthy eating habits in schools and day cares.
10/ 7/2003:
Newspaper Story - Missouri state penitentiary redevelopment project master plan
10/ 7/2003:
Radio Story - The state of Missouri does not have a state law that allows a governor recall election. Currently, in order to remove a governor, lawmakers would have to go through the impeachment process.
10/ 7/2003:
Radio Story - MoDOT is delaying the release of a report that faults the department's leadership.
10/ 7/2003:
Radio Story - A task force is revamping a bill that would levy a fifty-cent tax in order to install enhanced 911 systems.
10/ 6/2003:
Newspaper Story - House Budget Committee Chairman Carl Bearden, R-St. Charles, said some of Gov. Bob Holden's withholdings should be released because of increased state revenue. State budget director said the revenue increases are not enough.
10/ 6/2003:
Radio Story - Republican Rep. Larry Crawford has criticized Gov. Bob Holden's decision to ban concealed weapons in state buildings.
10/ 3/2003:
News summary for the week of September 29, 2003
10/ 3/2003:
Radio Story - The Missouri Department of Revenue released a report saying that general revenue collection for the first quarter has increased about eight percent from last year
10/ 3/2003:
Radio Story - A new California law allowing illegal aliens to get a driver's license may mean Missouri may grant licenses to them, too.
10/ 2/2003:
Radio Story - The Department of Natural Resources says that almost half of Missouri's trash is being recycled
10/ 2/2003:
Radio Story - You're not alone if your child's favorite teacher has been laid off this year.
10/ 2/2003:
Radio Story - Senator Peter Kinder released a statement saying the governor twisted his views on education.
10/ 2/2003:
Radio Story - Senator Peter Kinder released a statement saying the governor twisted his views on education.
10/ 1/2003:
Radio Story - Mark Abel says with only one term left it's time to consider his political future.
10/ 1/2003:
Newspaper Story - Two Missouri legislators who support the concealed weapons law will not try to keep municipalities from prohibiting guns from busses and other forms of public transit. Rep. Larry Crawford, R-Centertown, and Speaker Pro Tem Rod Jetton, R-Marble Hill, said it is the right of local governments to disallow concealed weapons on public transportation and in city buildings. They did predict that city restrictions will eventually be relaxed.
10/ 1/2003:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Departments of Mental Health and Social Services are trying out pilot programs to help parents avoid relinquishing custody of their child to the state for mental health treatment.
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